Toyota Hilux 2015 3ltr - Towing - Roadburner

Just need some advice...

I am in the process of purchasing a Hilux, my intention is caravan towing, but I have been hearing that transmission overheat problems can occur.

Anyone aware of this or can this be disputed.

Toyota Hilux 2015 3ltr - Towing - skidpan

All you need is a transmission oil cooler if overheating is an issue.

Toyota Hilux 2015 3ltr - Towing - Roadburner

Sorry did not say...4D Auto

Toyota Hilux 2015 3ltr - Towing - gordonbennet

Unless you're into serous hill climbing in hot climates you shouldn't get a problem, there's a warning light on the dash if it becomes an issue, as said an oil cooler can be fitted into the pipework.

Toyota Hilux 2015 3ltr - Towing - Roadburner

Ok thanks

Toyota Hilux 2015 3ltr - Towing - gordonbennet

you're welcome, forgot to mention, we bought the same vehicle in 2007 auto too, only used it for one serious long distance tow, rest of the time local, middle of summer heavy 4 wheel trailer with car on board so probably close to its relatively low max towing weight loaded, total of about 400 miles all in, not once did the transmission light come on.

On the way back we stopped for tea and sandwiches, the trailer brakes seemed useless and it was then whilst empty that i noticed that two of the rear brake drums were empty !!, and as such due to excess pivoting in the linkage there wasn't a single brake doing anything on that (borrowed) trailer...gulp...cue panicking the rest of the way back lest we got a tug from VOSA.

Towed brilliantly by the way, no sway detected and the brakes, considering they were doing it all, coped admirably.

Just one thing to note, i found the standard brakes didn't have much bite though did stop the vehicle, i didn't like the feel nor did SWMBO who drove it more than i, Mintex did a very well priced set of front brake pads which i fitted and the improvement in bite was noticeable, much improved over the Sumitomo OE, i doubt your new model even has the same brakes but might be something to bear in mind if you find the same.

Edited by gordonbennet on 21/10/2015 at 12:38