DVLA eye sight test failures - John Boy


DVLA eye sight test failures - RT


The DVLA vision standard is woefully low. The average person (average, not "normal healthy") has 6/6 vision but the basic standard is half that, at 6/12.

Many people with 6/6 vision say they have perfect eyesight, they don't - their vision is as poor as an average person.

SWMBO has major eye problems for which we spend an inordinate amount of time at our regional specialist eye hospital - she hasn't driven for some years because of deteriorating eyesight which is now down to 6/6 but still twice as good as the legally required minimum!

DVLA eye sight test failures - scot22

Sorry to hear your wife has problems with vision. I applaud her decision and if my eyesight ever starts to cause me anxiety ( and I am hyper about safety ) I will stop driving straight away.

I have posted before about eyesight and driving. The standard of vision permitted should be significantly raised.