It is an attempt to lock the owner into very, very expensive manufacturer only servicing., very much along the lines of ink printer cartridges, which as most should know the price the ink costs more than gold by weight. Plus the obvious benefits to the manufacturer of forcing users to change when the manufacturer says so. Unlike printer cartridges, there will be no alternative, no "compatible replacements", no refilling or resetting. Ecologically very dumb, financially disastrous and no real benefit to an owner. Garages fitting these will have to add £100 a pop to compensate for lost business, so no savings in labour.
If car manufacturers wanted, they could introduce oversized dry or combined wet/dry sumps, oversized main oil filters and superfine bypass filters, along with simple filter monitoring. Stick in twice the quantity of highest quality oil and along with the excellent oil quality sensors now available youcd be able to have many users go 50,000 miles/4 years or longer between oil changes.
Of course their servicing partners wouldnt be happy and it will never happen.
Edited by brum on 17/10/2015 at 14:18