Citroen C4 Grand Picasso - HPI check query - 21

Hi all, bit of a curious one (for me at least). I went with the wife earlier to look at a Grand C4 58 plate. Car generally drove fine but I got some odd feelings from the seller (sort of a dealer, though most cars are <£1k and he wants paying in cash).

Firstly, he showed me the service history. The first service showing was in 2012 with around 20k miles down. From then it did around 8-10k miles every six months or so and was now at 78k miles. Fairly explainable in itself and it least it was some service history. I asked near the end if he'd done a hpi check as it's fairly standard. He said no, then said these cars are all from the Ford showroom up the road and they'll have it and then said oh, it's cheap and easy to do. Why didn't you do it then?

Anyhoo, and apologies for the rambling but it may be insightful I did the hpi check when I got home. It says:

  • Interest registered against a previous plate

Plate Transfer
  • The current plate was transferred to this vehicle on 21/04/2015

  • ***** was applied to this vehicle on 21/05/2014
    • This VRM has been recorded as being written off
    • The insurance write-off was recorded on 26/08/2006 against a RENAULT LAGUNA RT
  • ******* was applied to this vehicle on 11/12/2008
    • There are no interests recorded against *******
    • Now, my question is does anyone know a genuine reason why the above would happen. Why would this car have the 58 plate transferred this year from a different make and model which was apparently written off in 2006.
    • We're not going to be gettng the car unsurprisingly (well, unless someone comes on and convinces me I'm being silly and it's all ok) but I'm just really curious as to why this has happened.
    • thanks
Citroen C4 Grand Picasso - HPI check query - Bromptonaut

On first reading the odd bit for me is a 58 (Sept 08 to March 09yes?) plate being on a Laguna that was written off in 2006. That cannot happen

So does it mean the Picasso previously had a personal plate, replaced on 21/04/15 with a standard 58 plate and that the personal plate, now persumably on some other car, had previously been on a written off Laguna.

Probably best to keep a barge pole between you and either the Picasso or the selling dealer.

Edited by Bromptonaut on 14/10/2015 at 18:06