I only just got chance to return to the forum since making my obnoxious post yesterday.
If you still happen to be visiting the site, Tailrob, then I do apologise to a fair extent: Due to a certain amount of misinterpretation, I just couldn't believe what I was reading.
I now understand that you meant Auto-Levelling rather than Auto-Dipping, which are rather different things.
And as someone else has suggested, if you really desire to have lights on on the car all the time, the simplest way is just to switch onto dipped headlights when you start the engine: Hopefully, after a liitle time, it would become routine habit for you and your wife; similar to plugging-in the seatbelt.
My consternation probably arose because of my hatred of the ever more automaticarisation of things and my worry that people become too (or completely) reliant on them. My wife's car has auto lights, but for HER safety I've set the function to disabled because one cannot trust it: Not infrequently, it will not turn on, or not turn off, the headlights when the driver commands it. Same goes for switching between dipped and high beam: I once had to pull-over and switch off the engine and restart, in order to get the lights back onto dip from main! Something is probably a bit faulty, but strangely the car is always behaving perfectly when the MOT test takes place.
Anyway, in summary, my revised response is: You could save money and hassle (and avoid the potential for the gizmo going wrong in future) just by switching dipped headlights on after starting the engine, and at night, if necessary, spending a few seconds twiddling the load-adjustment wheel until you can see that the beams are aimed correctly.