SWMBO wrote my Landcruiser off many years ago, yes you might well ask how one does that, genuine mitigating circs.
Anyway, i was insured with NFU at the time and my experience with them is, if you can afford the premium you will not find a better or more fair minded insurer ever...the engineers report was so praising of the pre accident condition and obvious high maintenance of the car (as relayed by the excellent girls at the local office) that they offered me top book straight off, roughly a grand more than i had any hopes of receiving.
My only previous experience was being shunted up the back by a Jag years ago which pushed me into the van in front, fortunately the Jaguar driver was that increasingly rare beast an honest English gentleman who told his insurer (proper old school insurer) the truth, they offered about 2/3rds what i thought it was worth, i rejected the first offer and agreed the second.
My only experience of write-offs to date fortunately....he typed one handed whilst gripping the wooden desk firmly with the other hoping he hasn't given fate an invitation it can't refuse.