Ford Ka - Better the devil you know? Repair/scrap advice - Katus1986

Hi All,

I bought a 2007 KA for £2000 in October 2013 at the time it had 35k on the clock. I'm in a huge pickle about whether to keep the car on the road or cut my losses and call it a day. I have now taken this car through 2 MOT's and serviced it every 6 months. I'm a stereotypical girl and I'm ashamed to say that I know nothing about cars and would really appreciate any opinions or advise on what I should do for the best.

I've been getting my car MOT'd and serviced at the same garage and nothing has been mentioned previously about corrosion. However, there is visible rust around the petrol cap. Car goes in for MOT last week and failed on mainly rust/corrosion.

I was advised by the first garage to scrap the vehicle due to repairs being around £1000 (then tried to sell me a second hand car - that story is for another day). I got another 3 independent opinions who advised in the region of £200 - £250 (inc VAT & Labour) to fix suspension arm and corrosion to drivers chassis. Then a further £360 (inc VAT & Labour) to fix the petrol cap corrosion, however, this is as an advisory on my subsequent MOT's rather than a fail.

I have therefore paid to get the car through it's MOT by fixing the suspension and drivers chassis. I also requested to have better types put on at £92 for 2 (inc fitting & VAT). Total cost to get through the MOT (inc VAT and labour) = £350.

The decision is as follows: get the fuel cap corrosion done at a further £360 or call it quits and trade it in.

I'm not in a position to buy a brand new car so I would be getting another second hand car. If I was to go out and buy one today it would be in the region of £2k again. I was hoping to get another 2 years out of this car to give me time to save up for a more reliable one worth a bit more money to spend on it. So I'm stuck with the decision to make over the devil I know (e.g. repairs and issues) or taking a gamble on another cheap car and hoping it lasts. Apparently the engine is in great condition. What would you do?

I have added repairs and costs so far below...

Many thanks again,


Costs to date

Prior to MOT 1 (Feb 2014) - New clutch - £95 (+ VAT & Labour)

MOT 1 (Sept 2014) - Passed with 2 advisories

1) Lower arm rear bushes starting to split

2) N/S/F inner drive shaft seeping grease

Repaired Sept 2014 at £180 (+VAT)

Between MOT's - new battery (£70) and service (£110) - including VAT& Labour

MOT 2 (Sept 2015) - FAILED

1) Body or chassis is damaged, seriously affecting its strength to within 30cm of the body mountings nearside rear inner wheel arch.

2) Body or chassis is damaged, seriously affecting... offside front chassis leg

3) Suspension are has excessive play in a pin/bush front lower (both rear bushes).


4) front - flexcy starting to corrode

5) both front tyres inner edges wearing

6) nearside outer wing starting to corrode

Edited by Katus1986 on 28/09/2015 at 15:41

Ford Ka - Better the devil you know? Repair/scrap advice - thunderbird

The car now has a years MOT. So why not run it until it either dies totally or needs another MOT. In the meantime save as much money as you can for a new motor.

Who knows, next year it might pass with just a few advisories.

Ford Ka - Better the devil you know? Repair/scrap advice - RobJP

I'd agree with T-bird. You've now got 12 months MOT, so start using it.

If you did want to change, then be advised that a car like yours, the value drops as the MOT runs out. Especially when it gets to less than 3 months to go, and if selling it privately.

So IF you do want to change it, then ideally try selling it in 6-8 months time. I wouldn't bother trying to part-ex it in, you'll get offered a derisory price for it, unless you're buying something horribly overpriced. I'd sell a car like that on ebay, with a 99p start, and no reserve. You'd be surprised how many people will be after it. I've sold a few cars that way.

Ford Ka - Better the devil you know? Repair/scrap advice - Quicksilver

I would run it until something expensive happens. You have 12 months of MOT so why worry about selling it now.

The fuel filler corrosion is common on these cars. If not too bad try repairing youself with a bit of Kurust and body filler? It will need to be really bad to fail the MOT since this area is not structural.


Ford Ka - Better the devil you know? Repair/scrap advice - hardway

Sounds like you into this for about a grand not incuding purchase price.

So if you had taken that grand and bought something else all you would have done is bought sombody else's problem car.£1000 doesn't buy much.

Gumtree is full of vehicles around that price and most likely a very high percentage have faults,

some of them big!

some enough to scrap them!!

As you state "better the devil you know".

You could spend 5K on a car and the clutch fails within a week.

you just don't know.

Run it for at least 6 months.

that way if you decide to sell it it still has 6 months mot left.

Oh and the days when guys knew all about cars and girls didn't are loooong gone.

The level of ignorance about basic function is so bad that at time I think I'm being wound up.

Like the owner last week who looked at the alternator in my hand and asked "is that a carb?".


All I could sum up for an answer was a sad no.

He's dam good at his job.

which has nothig to do with vehicles except drive them.

Ford Ka - Better the devil you know? Repair/scrap advice - gordonbennet

I do wish people (who never go under cars) would stop telling us that modern cars don't rust, the Ford Ka is a rust bucket, well known for it but not a bad little motor apart from that, get one new enough, rustproof it and you've got a decent little go kart.

As for this one, well you've got the welding done, had it serviced, couple of new tyres, if its driving OK just run the thing till the next MOT and when that comes up make the decision again.

Ford Ka - Better the devil you know? Repair/scrap advice - colino

Keep it, you've already committed yourself by sinking the MOT money into it (who suggested better tyres for a Ka by the way?).

They are lovely little things but rot in 70's style - throughout- and whoever suggested expensively repairing the cosmetic petrol flap quarter needs a dry slap.

The good news is that you appear to have found a decent garage (excepting tyres!) who know how to nurse a car through the MOT.

Have a look around in six months time to see how the market is for these as px and whatever takes your fancy then. Don't be in a rush to chuck good money after bad though, yours is a rotter and it isn't gong to self heal.

Ford Ka - Better the devil you know? Repair/scrap advice - Andrew-T

As for this one, well you've got the welding done, had it serviced, couple of new tyres, if its driving OK just run the thing till the next MOT and when that comes up make the decision again.

Quite right - once a car reaches this condition it lives from one MoT to the next, when you choose again whether to fix or get rid. But the lady OP hasn't said how important it feels to her not to be seen driving a rusty car :-)

Ford Ka - Better the devil you know? Repair/scrap advice - Katus1986

Ha ha I don't have much street cred at the best of times so driving around with unsightly rust patches doesn't faze me.

Ford Ka - Better the devil you know? Repair/scrap advice - Katus1986

Thank you for your replies everyone! This has been so greatly appreciated as I've not known what way to turn for the best with it. It appears that the general consensus is keep it for now and save like hell for something less *hopefully* rusty.

With that in mind, do you think I shouldn't bother wasting my money on doing the rest of the welding (e.g. fuel cap/wing rust) but save the money towards new wheels instead?

Ford Ka - Better the devil you know? Repair/scrap advice - skidpan

With that in mind, do you think I shouldn't bother wasting my money on doing the rest of the welding (e.g. fuel cap/wing rust) but save the money towards new wheels instead?

Save your money towards essential repairs (hopefully not needed) or a newer motor when you finally decide to swap.

As you said in the tread title, "better the devil you know". Lods of money pits ihn your budget.

Ford Ka - Better the devil you know? Repair/scrap advice - Big John

If your car has already had welding done for chassis etc.. there will be more munching away ready to shown up in the next MOT. I've done lots of welding in my time

Run for the year but plan on scrapping or giving away cheap at the end of it. In the meantime save up for the next one.

Re trade in - you will effectively get £0 - if you are offered more against another car it's just a form of discount on the new one that could be negotiated without a trade in anyway.

Ford Ka - Better the devil you know? Repair/scrap advice - John F

With that in mind, do you think I shouldn't bother wasting my money on doing the rest of the welding (e.g. fuel cap/wing rust) but save the money towards new wheels instead?

Hopefully the corrosion has been temporarily arrested. You have a not-very-old car with low mileage and recent new clutch (little old lady previous owner?! or has it been clocked - clutches should last over 100,000m if used properly) which should have a lot of life in it yet.

Don't spend money, apart from a wire brush, screw-driver, a can of Kurust and a can of good quality paint, e.g.Hammerite.

On a fine weekend borrow some little ramps and either you or a compliant friend crawl underneath and see where it has been welded and where there is any more rust. Scrape/chip/brush as much of it off as you can and then paint Kurust on it. Then apply the paint. Grease the brakepipes while you're at it - garages love failing these if only a hint of surface corrosion.

If a car appears to be looked after with such preventative maintenance (if done regularly a car should last indefinitely) it is more likely to pass the next MoT.

Ford Ka - Better the devil you know? Repair/scrap advice - skidpan

Surface rust does not fail MOT's, its corrosion from the inside and that is what the OP's car will have. No amount of Kurust or Hamerite will help.

As I and others have said use the car until it wants more expensive work, then replace it.

Ford Ka - Better the devil you know? Repair/scrap advice - Katus1986

Spot on. From what I've been advised the upper inside wheel arch, below where the petrol cap fits, is not in the best of ways.

I think on what everyone's saying, I'm not going to spend any more money on it, save like mad for the next 6/12 months and then sell for spare/repair or scrap it. Never buying a Ka again. Lesson learned!

Ford Ka - Better the devil you know? Repair/scrap advice - gordonbennet

I think on what everyone's saying, I'm not going to spend any more money on it, save like mad for the next 6/12 months and then sell for spare/repair or scrap it. Never buying a Ka again. Lesson learned!

If it continues to give good service i'd still bung it in a month before the MOT is due again, if it only needs a bit of plating to pass why not have another year of cheap almost depreciation free motoring, chances are you'll never own such a simple easy to fix car again in your life.

Ford Ka - Better the devil you know? Repair/scrap advice - Andrew-T

With that in mind, do you think I shouldn't bother wasting my money on doing the rest of the welding (e.g. fuel cap/wing rust) but save the money towards new wheels instead?

One thing occurs - you have fitted new tyres after the front ones wore on the inner edges. I don't know about tendencies of the Ka, but this sounds like incorrect tracking, maybe too much toe-out. If so, the new ones may wear the same way. It's cheap and easily corrected if that is the problem.

Ford Ka - Better the devil you know? Repair/scrap advice - Katus1986

Lucky the new garage sorted the tracking out for me - good thinking though as it wouldn't have occured to me.