Whatto HJ
Got a weird one here. Clicking noise from front o/s driveshaft CV joint - typical clicking of a worn CV. On closer inspection however, it's a brand new driveshaft.
I have 3 other Clio's, a 2001 and two 2000's, ( all with known good condition drveshafts ) so I tried both their driveshafts in the problem car to no avail: clicking CV as before even though the driveshafts I used were of known good condition.
I did the same on the N/S driveshaft to eliminate the possibility of a CV noise transmitting through from the other side. No improvement at all.
Ditto both strts to eliminate wheelbearing noise - no better.
Finally, I changed the gearbox for a known good box. No improvement.
I'd be very pleased to hear your comments on this.
All the best