Hello. Can anyone give me some advice on what this means: It's on the drivers side of the door. It says: 2130kg 4210kg 1 - 1010kg 2 - 1165kg
Similar answer to your question in September last year!
It means the maximum weight of the car is 2130kg, with front axle limited to 1010kg and rear axle limited to 1165kg.
The maximum weight of car and trailer is limited to 4210kg, so any trailer is limited to 2080kg.
Note that if the driver passed their test in or after 1997, and hasn't also taken a towing test, they're limited to a towed outfit of 3500kg based on plated weights - so the trailer cannot be plated at more than 1370kg.
Edited by RT on 14/06/2016 at 17:23