T minus 28 days and counting - Dwight Van Driver
Smoking in cars: New law from October 1

From 1 October 2015, private vehicles must be smokefree if they are enclosed, there is more than one person present and one of them is under 18.


T minus 28 days and counting - RT

So, is a 17-year old on their own allowed to smoke in the car or not ?

T minus 28 days and counting - FP

"... is a 17-year old on their own allowed to smoke in the car or not ?"

Why not? One person in the car means that that person can smoke.

On the other hand, if the 17-year-old was accompanied by an 18-year-old or older, the 17-year-old would not be allowed to smoke.

T minus 28 days and counting - skidpan

Are the Police seriously going to stop cars when they suspect a 17 year old passenger is in the car.

T minus 28 days and counting - FP

There will probably be as many prosecutions as there are now for failing to use a seatbelt, middle-lane hogging, tail-gating and all the other things that are supposedly against the law but which get picked up on relatively rarely.

T minus 28 days and counting - Bromptonaut

There will probably be as many prosecutions as there are now for failing to use a seatbelt, middle-lane hogging, tail-gating and all the other things that are supposedly against the law but which get picked up on relatively rarely.

But will fewer people smoke with kids in the car once it's illegal? Like seatbelts smoking is easy to observe and is either being done or not. Lane hogging and tailgating require observation and judgement so not so simple to prosecute.

Seatbelt complaince is far from perfect but much higher than it was before compulsion.

T minus 28 days and counting - focussed

There has been a recent, last week I think, ruling by a French court that as electronic smoking equipment, ie vaporisers, do not actually burn anything but emit a vapour- that the use of them does not contravene the no smoking laws in public buildings etc.

T minus 28 days and counting - 72 dudes

So, is a 17-year old on their own allowed to smoke in the car or not ?

Yes, in fact it's compulsory if they are driving a convertible! Haha