Hey folks, my mother just bought a 2013 Astra that she drove me in today. In the process, I was attempting to connect her phone to it with Bluetooth. I got part way through doing so but it asked for a voice command and never responded, freezing the stereo with no sound coming out. This was after a successful attempt to connect it my my own phone because hers initially wouldn't work.
It's now stuck on, completely unresponsive with now sound, and won't turn off, not even after the engine has been offfor over half an hour. Strangely, traffic reports still come through as alerts and can be switched to with the TP button, but it's completely unresponsive otherwise - except for occasionally half a second on ignition when the radio comes through before dropping silent again.
Does anyone have any idea on how we might be able to reboot the stereo? So far we've tried powering the vehicle off and on again, off and waiting for half an hour, and holding down the stereo power switch for twenty seconds, but these are all pretty rudimentary.
Thanks in advance.
Edited by Willeth on 30/08/2015 at 22:37