Firstly, you could take the stunningly revolutionary step of ringing your insurance company and asking if they thought you were insured. I mean, like ask the people who KNOW???
I cannot think why you wouldn't do that.
Still, out of pure interest the relevant point is whether or not a total loss payment was made to you by your insurer?
This is probably the most important point.
One shouldnt confuse whether or not your insurer can avoid an AD claim with whether or not you had TP insurance.
If yes, the policy was probably supposed to be cancelled. And in fact may have been suspended; I'd guess suspended so I wouldn't fancy your chances in this position. Although if the insurer behaved incorrectly there may be some grounds for your belief. This will not affect your guilt, but will affect the penalty.
If there was no payment, then it is a different matter. Essentially the condition of a car is not relevant to your insurance existance, only to your potential to claim.
Accidental Damage cover can be avoided relatively easily by the Insurer if you breach the conditions. Third Party cover is almost impossible to avoid, although they can recover their losses from you under certain circumstances.
If you were totally abusing the conditions of your policy, especially the DOC extension, that may well give your insurer the right to reccover losses form you. It is unlikely to give them the right to avoid the claim.
So if no payment was made, you're probably ok. "OK" as in, gonna get away with this one but totally taking the p*** out of the system.
You will need local, expert and professional assistance.
Finally, you haven't read your policy, you cannot remember the name of the solictior you spoke to, you didn't check your beliefs with your insurer either before or since, and now you're asking on an internet forum, you're not trying very hard to look after yourself, are you.