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Ford Focus 1.8 tdci 2006 - Annoying and concerning idle - Benfocustdci
About 6 weeks ago my focus developed a strange knocking idle with movement coming from the gearbox area my clutch was also high so my local mechanic diagnosed it as a flywheel fault. That week I had a brand new flywheel, clutch, clutch release bearing and slave cylinder fitted. I was expecting the vehicle to feel solid upon its return however this was not the case. The idle has changed to doing it on start up and when sat in traffic however the car shakes a lot worse leaving most of the cabin vibrating, it does this worse when in the drivers seat and it feels coming from directly underneath. I have took the car back and the garage say they don't notice anything alarming but what I describe sounds like a misfire, they took it in a ten Mile run and claims nothing appears to be wrong. I am reading on forums some slightly similar problems I am hearing egr valve , injectors and thrust bearing the most but I don't or possibly won't believe does anybody recommend a good avenue I could go down in diagnosing the fault if anybody has any suggestions or opinions I would much appreciate your thought s thanks. Also the idle stops as soon as I drop the clutch ?
Ford Focus 1.8 tdci 2006 - Annoying and concerning idle - Peter.N.

You need to take it to a diesel specialist, they are far more likely to find the problem than a garage.

Ford Focus 1.8 tdci 2006 - Annoying and concerning idle - old-school-tech

You need to take it to a diesel specialist, they are far more likely to find the problem than a garage.

Not completely sure i'd agree with that..Its all down to the technician working on the vehicle.

Not wanting to start an argument but your suggesting that "garages" are unlikely to find the problem.