Ok, i took the rear spoiler apart today. The ribbon which plugs into bottom left of unit, has split, on the narrow side, which trails left (RHD) into the bootlid. Please see photos below
When i disconnect the unit, the radio reception is worse (understandably) as i am disconnecting the amplifier. I therefore assume there is power going to the diversity unit, although i couldn't find a live/ground wire to check with the multimeter.
What is the purpose of the ribbon shown? It has two tracks, a wide and a narrow one, like i said above, the narrow one has sheared off, which trails left, the wider one trails right, and it looks ok.
Also the rear wiper doesn't work. The washer pump is fine, though the nozzle is blocked and needs replacing.
One last thing. The washer pump doesn't work at all (no noise) if the bootlid isn't closed properly, nor does the independent rear window open, again , if th ebootlid isn't closed properly. Could any of these be linked?
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