Ford C-MAX - Car Ownership - DJ2404

You won't believe this ....

Motor dealer 'A' gives trade car to Ms X and sends v5 off to change name. Ms X does not want car. Car is off road at her home - 50 miles from 'A's garage.

She wants to physically return it but although she has insurance AFAIK the old owners road tax (expires 31/8) is not valid if it is now in her ownership.

Ms X wants to drive to garage, abandon car there. Can she do that? Can she stop v5 being put in her name against her will? If not, can she transfer v5 to A without having the log book (yet).

Obviously, suggestions welcome.

Ford C-MAX - Car Ownership - RobJP

So Mrs X 'does not want car' that she was 'given'. What does that mean ? She's changed her mind ? The car is faulty ? Was she given the car, or did she buy it ? If it is faulty, what are the faults ? How old is the car ? How much did she pay for it ?

Without ALL of those answers, we can't help you at all.

Let's assume the answer is A. She's changed her mind, on a car she has bought.

Tough. There is no right to return the vehicle. 'Buyer's remorse' is not a good reason to return the vehicle.

Let's assume the answer is B. The car is faulty

In law, you must give the garage 'reasonable opportunity' to fix the faults. The car should be 'fit for purpose' - but if it's a 15 year old banger which was free or cost £500, then 'fit for purpose' basically means that it goes and stops.

The devil is in the details. As always

Ford C-MAX - Car Ownership - DJ2404

Dealer A has, free of charge, changed the registered keeper of the C_Max in question from it's previous owner to Ms X. He has done this because Ms X is currently without a car and Dealer A has romantic inclinations towards Ms X. Ms X does not share those inclinations and has made this clear to A on a number of occassions. I guess A thinks this will endear him to her but it has actually freaked her out.

The car is 04 reg, worth around £1500 with no obvious faults. No money has, or will change hands.

She wants to know what dangers (if any) she faces driving it 50 miles to 'A's garage in the evening then abandoning it outside the premises. She is particually concerned whether it has tax, or who would be liable if something happened after the vehicle was returned - for instance it was maliciously moved to double yellow lines and clamped - would she be the one facing costs?

Emotionally, she would prefer her name to have no association with the car, so ideally she would like to stop the transfer into her name. Looking at a different V5 it seems the V5 needs to be signed by new and old keeper - therefore A must have forged her name. She has not yet recieved V5, who should she speak to to prevent her becoming registered keeper.

With regard to tax. The governments tax website says that the vehicle is taxed. Assuming she is not the owner/keeper because of the forgery, does that mean the old tax is still valid?

Thanks guys

Ford C-MAX - Car Ownership - Avant

"Motor dealer 'A' gives trade car to Ms X ...."

Sorry - I don't understand what that means. What's a 'trade car' and why has the dealer given it to Ms X?

Ford C-MAX - Car Ownership - DJ2404

sorry, "trade car" - a car he received from a customer, repaired and has now passed to Ms X (see above)

Ford C-MAX - Car Ownership - RobJP

Right. It all makes sense now. She writes to him, informing him that she does not want the car. She POSTS the letter by recorded delivery, keeping a copy of the letter AND a copy of the posting proof (staple together, DO NOT LOSE).

Regarding legality of car tax, driving the car, etc. By accepting the car in the first place (she did drive it home, so can't really deny that she did accept it), she is (technically) going to have to tax it to drive it back. However, as you point out, the DVLA is still showing it as taxed. So an alternative might be for her to take it back today. Park it off the road (I assume he has a lot/yard) and take photographs showing where it is parked as evidence. If she takes someone with her, then they can verify that she left the car in that location.

She drops off the keys, along with another copy of the letter. Job done.

Ford C-MAX - Car Ownership - leaseman

OP states that the car is insured for her to drive it back to the dealer. I'd love to know how this happened without her permission!

Ford C-MAX - Car Ownership - DJ2404

OP states that the car is insured for her to drive it back to the dealer. I'd love to know how this happened without her permission!

She insured it herself knowing she would need insurance to return it.