Mazda 6 - Mazda6/2009/Diesel - Engine failure oil blockage - Nishi Nish

I bought Mazda6/2009/2.2/Diesel/TS2/45K from Mazda Used Car Dealer with 1yr Mazda Approved Used Car warranty on 8/02/15. MOT was regular always done at Mazda dealers. Last MOT was dated on 01/12/2014.

While I was driving back from work on 18/03/2015 oil light started blinking like signal light and car started losing power. I have stop the car immediately on the road side and called warranty guys. Since it is out of working hours they mentioned that they will arrange pick-up the next day morning and dropped it to closest Mazda service station.

Next day morning I got call from service centre stating that it might be a engine failure with carbon blockage in engine oil tank. However, I have to pay £90 for diagnosing the car. Mentioning that I have Mazda approved used car warranty they said I have to agree for the charge and if the warranty is approved I will be covered otherwise I have to pay out of my pocket. Having said that, they said they have an appointment for warranty assessor for coming and assessing the car on 31/03/2015. They said once assessor assess and gives approval they will fix it.

Assessor came on 31/03/2015 and gave report to service centre on 8/04/2015. After 21 days of whole drama on 8/04/2015 service centre guys called me and told “assessor said that he can’t assess based on current situation and requested service centre guys to strip the engine and send them pictures”. For stripping the car they charged me £490. Again, having said that I have warranty they told me that I have to agree for the charges and if the warranty is approved I will be covered otherwise I have to pay out of my pocket.

Today is 27 th day my car is with service centre. I still don’t have any clarity on my car situation.

Funniest part is I drove car for 39 days and it is in service centre for 27 days.

What I’m really worried is without even understanding the problem so far I was made to agree to pay for diagnosing charges and engine stripping charges (£490+£90). Not sure whether the problem will be covered or not. Between warranty guys and service centre guys days are just passing. Now I’m in a situation that without having car in hand I’m paying monthly car EMI, Insurance, Tax and on top of it I paying for public transport to travel to my work.

Can someone help me how I can speed up the things with warranty guys and service centre? Help me to understand why it is taking so long to address the problem in car? If the problem is so big why Mazda promoted this car?

Finally, what will be the worst situation in this scenario? I just want to prepared myself for the worst happens.

Edited by Nishi Nish on 14/04/2015 at 19:55

Mazda 6 - Mazda6/2009/Diesel - Engine failure oil blockage - Peter.N.

I would think that contacting trading standards should speed things up a bit.

Mazda 6 - Mazda6/2009/Diesel - Engine failure oil blockage - gordonbennet

I haven't got a clue how this will pan out, other than to wish you the very best of luck.

It's widely accepted here that a makers ''approved used'' warranty is as good as it gets, now either you don't have a genuine Mazda approved used car warranty or our faith in manufacturers own used warranties is now destroyed.

I'm a little concerned that due to the age of the car the warranty isn't approved used at all but a standard used car warranty too often not worth the paper it's printed on....i would be wary of spending another penny on diagnostic work in case this warranty proves to be a wrong 'un.

Mazda 6 - Mazda6/2009/Diesel - Engine failure oil blockage - craig-pd130

Do you have the paperwork / terms & conditions for this warranty? You need to read these in detail to find out exactly what is covered by the warranty.

I would have thought that an engine failure like this, in a car with an official Mazda warranty, would be covered without any need for you to pay anything.

Mazda 6 - Mazda6/2009/Diesel - Engine failure oil blockage - RobJP

In law - the garage that sold you the car will be entirely responsible for putting it right. That means you get a full refund OR they fix your car, for free. End of story.

That will include all diagnostic costs, etc. If they balk, faff you around, try getting you to have to pay part of the costs, etc. then ask them to put their requiremnt in writing. When they ask why you want it in writing, say it is so that you can issue a writ in the Small Claims Court.

Do not accept anything less than what you are entitled to. If need be, mention this website to them, and that you have sought advice on here.

Mazda 6 - Mazda6/2009/Diesel - Engine failure oil blockage - Ordovices

Yes, don't forget to emphasise that you got your legal advice from an internet forum of faceless, unaccountable strangers, rather than a solicitor, CAB or Trading Standards.

Mazda 6 - Mazda6/2009/Diesel - Engine failure oil blockage - Brit_in_Germany

My recollection is that the SOGA requires you to give the supplier the opportunity to fix the fault. It is not clear here whether the Mazda service station is the supplying dealer. If not, and I am right about SOGA, they may refuse to cover the costs.

Mazda 6 - Mazda6/2009/Diesel - Engine failure oil blockage - RobJP

Yes, don't forget to emphasise that you got your legal advice from an internet forum of faceless, unaccountable strangers, rather than a solicitor, CAB or Trading Standards.

Nice to see you again too, Mr Catlover.

This website is a respected site for consumer issues - much like Which, et al.

If you think it's so utterly terrible and useless, then it mystifies me why you continually return.

Is it an addiction ?

Edited by RobJP on 15/04/2015 at 10:03

Mazda 6 - Mazda6/2009/Diesel - Engine failure oil blockage - FP

"Yes, don't forget to emphasise that you got your legal advice from an internet forum of faceless, unaccountable strangers, rather than a solicitor, CAB or Trading Standards."

I really don't understand the point of this post. There is a dismissive, even insulting tone towards those of us who try to help.

It is of course understood that none of us here are professional lawyers and will simply try to point someone in the right direction. I don't think any of us would be stupid enough to believe what we say carries anywhere near as much weight as a qualified lawyer.

Why rubbishing the forum suddenly emerges in the thread I have no idea. Doubtless there's more to it than we shall ever know.

Edited by FP on 15/04/2015 at 10:30

Mazda 6 - Mazda6/2009/Diesel - Engine failure oil blockage - RobJP

Ordovices has history on the forums here. He once advocated poisoning cats using antifreeze on here, and I reported him for it and called him out on it VERY publicly. His posts on that thread were heavily cropped (by Avant, I believe), and he was told on the thread that his actions were unacceptable.

Since then, he comes on occasionally, posting derogatory comments, and then vanishes - possibly to go chew on his own bile until he sums up the courage to post again.

Mazda 6 - Mazda6/2009/Diesel - Engine failure oil blockage - Ordovices

Don't you think you're maybe a little over sensitive?

Mazda 6 - Mazda6/2009/Diesel - Engine failure oil blockage - Ordovices

I reported him for it and called him out on it VERY publicly.

What on earth does this mean? You told the teacher then offered me a fight in the playground??

Oops, maybe I'm being over sensitive now, please don't publicly pillory me again - when you start calling names, it hurts sooooo much.

Mazda 6 - Mazda6/2009/Diesel - Engine failure oil blockage - skidpan

Yes, don't forget to emphasise that you got your legal advice from an internet forum of faceless, unaccountable strangers, rather than a solicitor, CAB or Trading Standards

Legal advice from both Trading Standards and Citizens Advice is also next to useless. The people you will speak to are not trained legal professionals and in my experince often give incorrect advice.

To get any advice that is worthy of making a decision about a court case you MUST go to a solicitor that specialises in these matters.

Mazda 6 - Mazda6/2009/Diesel - Engine failure oil blockage - Ordovices

Where did I rubbish the forum?

It was the the advocation of quoting the forum's posters as the source of legal advice.

Picture the scene:

Mr Car person, you owe me £x,xxx pounds for this faulty car. I know I'm in the right because some bloke on the HJ website forum told me so.

Ah that's OK then. By the way, what's his name, address, and legal qualification. Just out of curiosity - is he over 12 years old and does he still live at home with his mum and dad?

Mazda 6 - Mazda6/2009/Diesel - Engine failure oil blockage - Nishi Nish

Thanks RobJP,

That was a great moral support. I'll make sure I'll get everything written.

Mazda 6 - Mazda6/2009/Diesel - Engine failure oil blockage - Nishi Nish


I have mazda used car approved warranty booklet with me. Mazda posted this to me along with a letter. When I checked booklet there are something mention like "everthing is covered excluding.......". In that excluding list i have engine oil chaging, tyre problems, filters....and so on. They didn't mentioned anything particularly about engine.

Also, I have a letter posted to me with warranty details and card (looks like debit card) with my name, start date, end date and warranty number.

Edited by Nishi Nish on 15/04/2015 at 12:09

Mazda 6 - Mazda6/2009/Diesel - Engine failure oil blockage - craig-pd130

If you haven't spoken to the Warranty company yet, you need to do so quickly to find out what it covers you for.

Mazda 6 - Mazda6/2009/Diesel - Engine failure oil blockage - Nishi Nish

I have spoken to warranty compnay. They said, they can't give clearance until service centre guys tell us the problem.

When i spoke to Service centre guys they said, assessor from warranty compnay has to see and tell us wther it is covered or not.

Assessor came, checked and told service centre guys that he can't assess based on current situtaion. he can only tell if the engine is stripped.

For stripping the car Service centre guys called me and said I have to bear the cost for stripping. If the problem is identified and assesor say it is covered under warranty they will do it. Otherwise I have to Pay out of my pocket.

The situtation is like CHICKEN OR EGG for me now.

Between this whole drama it took 28days and still now answer from anyone.

Mazda 6 - Mazda6/2009/Diesel - Engine failure oil blockage - Andrew-T

I thought this sump-strainer problem was not unfamiliar, and has been discussed here in earlier threads?

Mazda 6 - Mazda6/2009/Diesel - Engine failure oil blockage - RobJP

I thought this sump-strainer problem was not unfamiliar, and has been discussed here in earlier threads?

Yes, it has been.

However, the OP purchased their car (a 2009 car) in February this year, and it suffered the engine failure in March, just a few weeks later.

Why on earth they have been charged fees for diagnosing / inspecting, I cannot understand.

Mazda 6 - Mazda6/2009/Diesel - Engine failure oil blockage - gordonbennet
Why on earth they have been charged fees for diagnosing / inspecting, I cannot understand.

Nor me, a reputable dealer, especially with an approved used warranty on the car, this car should have been back on the road in a week at minimal inconvenience and no cost to the customer....not as the warranty is really anything to do with it, SOGA should have been the overriding reason, leaving the dealer and Mazda to fight it out after the car is fixed.

Mazda 6 - Mazda6/2009/Diesel - Engine failure oil blockage - Nishi Nish


Excuse me if it is a stupid question. What is SOGA?

Mazda 6 - Mazda6/2009/Diesel - Engine failure oil blockage - Galaxy

SOGA = Sale of Goods Act

Mazda 6 - Mazda6/2009/Diesel - Engine failure oil blockage - Nishi Nish

Good news is I just got a reply from warranty company that all my diagnose charges (£98) and engine stripping charges (£490) are been covered now. Service centre guys said they will fix the car by 1st May.

Bad news is I have to pay £177 for ordering pipes (not ssure what excatly it is) from my pockets.

Please advice me what should be my take in this event.

Mazda 6 - Mazda6/2009/Diesel - Engine failure oil blockage - RobJP

ASK ... No, DEMAND to know EXACTLY what you are having to pay for, and at the same time DEMAND to know WHY it is not being covered by the warranty.

Mazda 6 - Mazda6/2009/Diesel - Engine failure oil blockage - Nishi Nish

Sure Rob, I will do that

Mazda 6 - Mazda6/2009/Diesel - Engine failure oil blockage - Nishi Nish

Thank you all. All the issues sorted. Now everthing is covered after long wait and fight. I'm happy that I'm covered for everything and not need pay out of my pockets.

I thank you all for vauable advices speacially @RobJP. This forum is just about a bunch of automobile geeks.


Edited by Nishi Nish on 17/04/2015 at 16:44

Mazda 6 - Mazda6/2009/Diesel - Engine failure oil blockage - RobJP

I must admit, I am pretty disgusted by the way you have been treated by the supplying garage / warranty company. They appear to have tried to shaft you at every turn.

Was that last 'expense' for hoses, etc. cancelled then ?

Mazda 6 - Mazda6/2009/Diesel - Engine failure oil blockage - Nishi Nish

Yes, it was for Pipes and hoses they charged me 177.17 incl VAT.

When I picked up the argument regarding the treatment I received when I had replacment car, time assesor took to give assessment report back to service centre and the cost for my travel within that time they said they will wave off that costs by covering them too.

Now I don't have to pay for anything.

Whole experience I had for last 1month was total ridiculous. Until unless I pushed them I never got proper response from either Service Centre or Warranty Company. And at every point they tried put the cost to me. I was literally in stress worrying about the outcome - the bills I'm supposed to pay if incase the repair is not covered.

The only favourable parts for me in the last 1 month was this forum and the Mazda Customer Relationship Manager.

This forum helped me in anticipating what would service centre and warranty company come up with stories and how I should reply them back. Also, In the last 5 working days Mazda Customer Relationship Manager helped me in moving things faster internally.