"another stupid "promise" - Election Time - oldroverboy.


"another stupid "promise" - Election Time - brum

The promises are coming thick and fast - unlimited NHS money - tax cuts galore - HSx - roads fixed - new roads even - all without an iou apparently, dont mention the 1.5 trillion debt, talk reduction of "deficit" snake oil term for lowering the rate of increase of debt!

No Inheritance tax? When did I last hear that? Oh yes, I remember, last general election......

All lies, smoke, mirrors......

The end is getting near, total financial collapse and reset. Remember you heard it first here......

Edited by brum on 12/04/2015 at 17:17

"another stupid "promise" - Election Time - Leif
You're a bit late. We just missed out on a total collapse of the world financial system in the last decade.
"another stupid "promise" - Election Time - gordonbennet
The end is getting near, total financial collapse and reset. Remember you heard it first here......

Agree completely Brum, once interest rates rise it'll hit the fan big time.

The Croydon magic money trees must be about out of fairy dust.

"another stupid "promise" - Election Time - Trilogy

Apparently rates won't go up for at least another 3-4 years.

"another stupid "promise" - Election Time - gordonbennet

Apparently rates won't go up for at least another 3-4 years.

Oh good, on course for £2 trillion national debt then by the end of the next term.

The two main parties deserve to die, they've got themselves into a bidding war of money promised from the magic tree to woo those who think the tree really exists, especially for the International Health Service which can't cope with the present population, let alone the next 6 million additions.

I hope (in vain no doubt) even the most tribal and utterly brainwashed/bemused voter can see it for what it is and punishes them accordingly.

Was it like this for Alice i wonder when she fell down the hole, but instead of amusing and strange creatures, we find ourselves in hell...hey presto Lucifer raised himself and breathed support of Milliband last week, that's the kiss of death for him then.

Edited by gordonbennet on 12/04/2015 at 22:34

"another stupid "promise" - Election Time - madf

No-one votes for a party which promises more taxes and less spending.

Voters get the politicians they vote for..

See Greece.. they voted for a Party which promised money grows on trees..

It is completley wrong to blame politicians on all our ills: we deserve about 75% of the blame...

"another stupid "promise" - Election Time - gordonbennet

No-one votes for a party which promises more taxes and less spending.

It is completley wrong to blame politicians on all our ills: we deserve about 75% of the blame...

Couldn't agree more, voting for exactly the same and then wondering why exactly the same happened is nigh on lunacy.

As for voting for a politician who tells the uncomfortable truth, warts and all in straight non PC language, well some of us have and will do so again...should such a politician turn out to be just another liar conman or warmonger only interested in feathering their own, and others, nests, then i shall be the first to hold me hand up as just another turkey who voted for Christmas.

"another stupid "promise" - Election Time - Leif

It isn't in the nature of a politician to tell the truth. Milliband and Balls were part of a rather nasty group while working for Brown under Blair. Some of the things that went on behind the scenes were truly shocking. As for the Tories, Google Michael Green and Grant Shapps. IMO he is not fit to be in government, and yet he is one of the top Tories.Blair proved that it is not reality that counts, but the impression given.

Don't forget that 5 years ago Balls was panning the Tories plans, saying it would lead to more unemployment and no growth. Quite the opposite has occurred.

I happen to think in Cameron and Osborne we have two level headed people. Of course what goes on behind the scenes might be a different story, but until the book appears ...

"another stupid "promise" - Election Time - alan1302

It isn't in the nature of a politician to tell the truth.

If they tell the truth then people complain. If they lie people complain. No win situation really but lieing seems to be the simplest

"another stupid "promise" - Election Time - madf

People want to believe that life will be easy and better.

There are GEs every five years so they should be able to remember what happened last time and what was promised.

Of course, the future changes and not all promises can be met but you would expect that people would think about it.

Quoet from a lady talking to my wife last week "I would like to vote ##### but my uncle would not approve". Her uncle has been dead for twenty or so years.

So clealry many people vote without conscious thought. (and politicians rely on that)

Edited by madf on 14/04/2015 at 07:46

"another stupid "promise" - Election Time - Wackyracer

That is the problem I think, people vote for the same again because they have always voted for #### or because their relatives told them to.

"another stupid "promise" - Election Time - oldroverboy.

Whoever promises me a jaguar xj6 and immunity from speeding tickets gets my vote.

Any other suggestions?

"another stupid "promise" - Election Time - Avant

If I had an XJ and lived in Colchester I'd be wanting to chop it in for something smaller. A Kia Rio perhaps.....

"another stupid "promise" - Election Time - oldroverboy.

If I had an XJ and lived in Colchester I'd be wanting to chop it in for something smaller. A Kia Rio perhaps.....

Given the dings in the doors a tank is probably a better idea.
"another stupid "promise" - Election Time - Wackyracer

I thought you was going to say you would vote for whoever is going to leave the street lamps on all night again ;)

"another stupid "promise" - Election Time - davecooper
Regardless of who gets into power and what their policies are, the man in the street will see little change. I believe that, to a certain extent, the country runs itself.

Governments are either unwilling or unable to make drastic changes these days. So apart from minor details, I do not expect my life to change much anytime soon.
"another stupid "promise" - Election Time - gordonbennet

^^ spot on They can't change anything of importance without the say so of the Germans, sorry, the EU.

Bribing voters with money from the magic tree is the current one upmanship game, those who fall for it only have themselves to blame.

"another stupid "promise" - Election Time - madf

Hmm I beg to disagree.

I recall the last "socilaist Labour Government" - under that awfully nice Jim Callaghan which actuially had to cut NHS spending and sack nurses and go to the IMF when it ran out of money and business confidenc.

Try telling the patients that was "no change"...

As for rubbish collections in London, tehre were none for months...