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Maybe why caravans dont overtake - brum


Obviously the caravan owner not fully in control........

things strike me as particularly interesting

Caravans are shockingly flimsy and easily destroyed. Surely they should be subject to some form of crash/safety testing in this day and age?

Caravan towing is borderline dangerous and an over zealous manouver can result in instant disaster as illustrated here

Are they all that dangerous or do some makes have better/more sophisticated suspension rather than the basic 1960's design?

Dashcams are remarkably useful devices, I must get myself one....

Maybe why caravans dont overtake - Brian Tryzers
That manoeuvre was way beyond over-zealous. There were double white lines up to the island and bollard, an oncoming vehicle and an upcoming roundabout. My guess is that the caravan driver misjudged the gap past the lorry and clipped the bollard, tipping the caravan over. But no competent driver would have attempted that in a Lotus, so you could argue the caravan had nothing to do with it - other than making the ending messier.
Maybe why caravans dont overtake - daveyjp
One less tin snail to worry about. They are flimsy, but people don't travel in them, so no need for crash testing.

An Idiot driver whether towing or not is still an idiot driver. I once saw someone trying to tow a caravan with a 1.1 Fiesta and four up. The clutch smell and smoke as they pulled away from the lights is forever with me!
Maybe why caravans dont overtake - Brian Tryzers
I've seen a less selective video from another link and, with better context, I need to modify my opinion a little. The incident is on the A39 northeast-bound out of Street on the way into Glastonbury. Looking at this on Streetview, we see a set of traffic lights with two ahead-only lanes that then merge into one, bounded by the double white lines and hatching we see in the link here. I'd guess from this that the caravannist has attempted to pass the lorry at the lights - through a green light or from a standstill we don't know - but has severely underestimated his acceleration. I therefore need to withdraw my Lotus comment because any reasonably powerful solo car would have made it, assuming the two vehicles were level at the lights. The caravan was a factor here - if only in that it showed up an underskilled and under-equipped driver.
Maybe why caravans dont overtake - craig-pd130
But no competent driver would have attempted that in a Lotus, so you could argue the caravan had nothing to do with it - other than making the ending messier.

Speaking of Lotuses (Loti?), a sight that has stayed with me since the mid-80s is a Lotus Esprit (one of the early, angular ones) after hitting a lamp-post. The impact had literally torn off ALL of the nearside rear of the car, from the B-pillar back, as if that corner of the car had been cut off by a giant, serrated carving knife.

The bodywork, NSR wheel and suspension was gone, exposing the engine & gearbox, and leaving the driveshaft dangling from the diff. Didn't give me a great impression of the robustness of fibreglass-bodied cars ....

Maybe why caravans dont overtake - Wukl

Mad manoeuvre; perhaps he forgot he was towing it? That's not as daft as it sounds, lots of people seemingly don't use their rear view mirrors!

On a related subject, didn't trailers used to display a black and white '56' roundel? I'm amazed that I am often passed on the motorway by big cars with trailers carrying boats, cars, baked potato stalls etc doing 80 or more. One the other morning behind something like a LS200 was unladen and bouncing and snaking around on it's tiny wheels like it was about make a break for freedom.

Maybe why caravans dont overtake - Bromptonaut

As second post says, it was a barmy manouevre under any circumstances. Even a sports car would have struggled to carry out an overtake there.

It looks like a Mondeo estate towing a medium sized 'van. Certainly not an obviously mismatched outfit though you'd need to check plates, loading etc to be sure. My guess is the towing driver had some sort of an of 'incident'; whether pedal confusion or maybe a seizure isn't clear.

The incident has no value whatever as evidence of the safety of towing an average caravan with an ordinary car.

Edited by Bromptonaut on 08/04/2015 at 21:57

Maybe why caravans dont overtake - Sofa Spud

Immediately prior to where the video starts there is a short stretch of dual-carriageway and traffic lights. The caravan driver must have started their overtake on that dual-carriagway and 'run out of road'. That doesn't excuse the 'misjudgement' but it might explain it!

Edited by Sofa Spud on 09/04/2015 at 11:59

Maybe why caravans dont overtake - madf

I towed a big caravan with a Jaguar XJ6 c 1985. It passed anything with no problems and was very stable. (it had a stabiliser - it was a BIG caravan - 2 wheels only)

15mpg was an issue though.

The car driver was Homer Simpson surely?

Maybe why caravans dont overtake - Ben 10
Caravans are a pain in the Harris. They should only travel between 11.30 pm and 7.00 am. Plenty of time to get wherever and set down. They're a burden on single carriageways, dangerous on motorways and towed by complete m****s.
Maybe why caravans dont overtake - madf
Caravans are a pain in the Harris. They should only travel between 11.30 pm and 7.00 am. Plenty of time to get wherever and set down. They're a burden on single carriageways, dangerous on motorways and towed by complete m****s.

Thank you for the fine words.

Maybe why caravans dont overtake - FP

"Caravans are a pain in the Harris ...towed by complete m****s."

What a stupid generalisation!

When you posted this bilious comment in the small hours, were you feeling unwell and/or having sleeping problems? In the light of day it must seem pretty silly.

Edited by FP on 10/04/2015 at 10:12

Maybe why caravans dont overtake - Ben 10
No. It's 10.00am now. Still have the same view. And it's an opinion. Like everyone else's choice to post what they like on here.
I detest caravans on our roads with a passion fella. So I have the right to say so. So stop pontificating and get off the moral high ground you two.
Maybe why caravans dont overtake - alan1302
No. It's 10.00am now. Still have the same view. And it's an opinion. Like everyone else's choice to post what they like on here. I detest caravans on our roads with a passion fella. So I have the right to say so. So stop pontificating and get off the moral high ground you two.

If you can say what you like then surely people can say what they like about you?

I do think your thoughts are very odd though as well – there are good caravan drivers and bad. Same as every other driver.

Maybe why caravans dont overtake - Ben 10
"If you can say what you like then surely people can say what they like about you?"

No. You can debate, prove my opinion wrong or give the plus points of caravaning. Personal comments are not what this thread is about. If you have to resort to being personal, then you have no real argument against what I posted.
Maybe why caravans dont overtake - alan1302
"If you can say what you like then surely people can say what they like about you?" No. You can debate, prove my opinion wrong or give the plus points of caravaning. Personal comments are not what this thread is about. If you have to resort to being personal, then you have no real argument against what I posted.

In a debate it's up to you to prove you are right - not the other way round.

I've not said any personal comments - you called everyone who pulls a caravan a m**** though...

Maybe why caravans dont overtake - Leif

I detest caravans but a) they have a right to use the road and b) calling their owners m****s is offensive. I think you need to learn some manners.

Maybe why caravans dont overtake - RobJP

I can only assume that Ben is one of those drivers who is constantly angry at the world around him.

If we mention cyclists, we might even get ranty bingo

Maybe why caravans dont overtake - veryoldbear

And as for cyclists towing caravans, don't even go there ...


Maybe why caravans dont overtake - Leif

Oooh, I bet that link made him pop his cherry, a veritable smorgasbord of hate objects.

Maybe why caravans dont overtake - FP

"Still have the same view. And it's an opinion. Like everyone else's choice to post what they like on here.
I detest caravans on our roads with a passion fella. So I have the right to say so. So stop pontificating and get off the moral high ground you two."

Ah yes, rights... rights. "I can say what I like" mentality. And the moral high ground has now become something shameful, apparently.

Well, actually, you can't say what you like - there are legal restrictions on certain types of utterance. (Not that anyone's suggesting that that's happening here.)

Most people with manners would also want to avoid making needlessly offensive comments about others - in this case, the towers of caravans - by branding all of them with the same insult.

Then there is the matter of intelligence. How clever is it to assume that every single caravan tower is the same in this respect? I mean, statistically, how likely is it?

It was a stupid comment.

Edited by FP on 10/04/2015 at 14:22

Maybe why caravans dont overtake - Ben 10
Amazing how people fill in the blanks and see what they want to see. *** ******* *******. Try that FP.
Maybe why caravans dont overtake - Vitesse6

Maybe you should say just what you mean rather than resorting to asterisks.

If you haven't got the guts to say it out loud, then don't say it at all.

Maybe why caravans dont overtake - Leif

Psst: There is a swear filter. The only way around it is to use archaic and dialect words, such as apeorth, tosspot and wazuk. Gazooks Sir, is this not the latest of electronic chatting machines? I have even had "Good God" changed to "My goodness" on this forum!!!!

Maybe why caravans dont overtake - FP

"*** ******* *******. Try that FP."

You'll have to explain that, Ben.

Or perhaps it was mere insult; certainly the swear-filter didn't like it.

It's much more interesting for the rest of the Back-Roomers to have a proper discussion rather than hurling insults.

I must admit I am intrigued as to what you put, though.

Maybe why caravans dont overtake - RobJP

Perhaps we could play Hangman with it ? Ben could fill in the blanks as we go along ?

If so, then I'll have an R, please

Maybe why caravans dont overtake - oldroverboy.

1. I always lose at hangman.

2. Girls. Put your handbags away.

3. The sun is shining, enjoy!

Maybe why caravans dont overtake - Leif
3. The sun is shining, enjoy!

Oh no, that means the caravanistas will be out in force ... ;)

It is lovely outside, fingers crossed for a nice weekend.

Maybe why caravans dont overtake - veryoldbear

But just hijacking the thread and thinking about the original article etc. the legislation regarding towing weights etc has obviously driven caravan design to minimise weights so much that they now appear to be made of balsa wood and cardboard. In the event of an accident they collapse into tiny fragments ....

Maybe why caravans dont overtake - Ordovices

There are many improvements in caravan construction and much of it good. Insulating materials in the construct make their use a year round viability, modern materials and sealants allow enviable warranties on bodywork water tightness.

But when you take a box and roll it down the road at 30+ mph, somethings got to give. Look what happens when an aircraft crashes, the deconstruction is somewhat familiar and modern cars, despite the passenger protection, don't take much of a knock to spoil their aesthetics.

Maybe why caravans dont overtake - Avant

We all get stuck behind caravans from time to time. It really isn't very different from being stuck behind a lorry, so I can see no need for vitriol against caravanners.

As organist I worked with a vicar who started his career in the 1970s. Inflation rose to 25 % pa but his stipend didn't. A caravan was the only means of them having a family holiday. They got to enjoy caravanning and still do.

SWMBO and I enjoy our space and would hate caravanning. But that's no reason to hate people who enjoy it or even do so through necessity.

Maybe why caravans dont overtake - Leif
When I was a kid we had a VW camper van. It was brilliant. We could drive somewhere nice, park in a layby in the countryside, and enjoy a nice kip. Come morning we cooked oir own breakfast, often from local produce purchased the day before. I must admit that as an adult the camper van now seems very crude, s'pose a Winnebago might be nice, not that I have the readies for one of those.
Maybe why caravans dont overtake - focussed

Here in France the towed tin tent is almost non-existent apart from the odd Brit on holiday and not many of them as the ferry costs are eye-watering.

Motor caravans are all the rage over here amongst the indigenous locals.

But not many of them appear to have driven anything bigger than a Renault 5 or a Clio before setting off in their mobile block of flats on wheels.

The antics of some of them in car parks are a lasting source of amusement in the summer.

Good thing they are crash testing them nowadays!
