Mercedes-Benz A45 AMG - Running Costs - Addie

Can anybody assist with providing the true running cost for a CLA 45 AMG

Mercedes-Benz A45 AMG - Running Costs - jamie745

It's an Mercedes AMG, what do you think the running costs will be like?

Mercedes-Benz A45 AMG - Running Costs - Addie

If I knew the true cost I wouldn't ask

Mercedes-Benz A45 AMG - Running Costs - brum

If you have to can't afford it.......

Mercedes-Benz A45 AMG - Running Costs - Addie

I know I can I have a C63 I am thinking of trading a C63............

Mercedes-Benz A45 AMG - Running Costs - peterb

It's an Mercedes AMG, what do you think the running costs will be like?

I think the point being made here is that if you're remotely concerned about running costs, this probably isn't the right car....

Mercedes-Benz A45 AMG - Running Costs - alan1302

Can anybody assist with providing the true running cost for a CLA 45 AMG

Just check MPG, check insurance and tax costs and then add in servicing.

Mercedes-Benz A45 AMG - Running Costs - skidpan

Can anybody assist with providing the true running cost for a CLA 45 AMG

Just check MPG, check insurance and tax costs and then add in servicing.

Then add in the catastrophic depreciation.

Mercedes-Benz A45 AMG - Running Costs - gordonbennet

As well as the headline tax insurance servicing fuelling but mainly depreciation costs, i'd price up a set of tyres and brake replacements, that should provide a guide to cost of other consumables.

Mercedes-Benz A45 AMG - Running Costs - DirtyDieselDogg

I am concur with Brum's assessment as above.

Which per Uncle Arthur Morton's comment from 60 years ago, was what the RR salespersons were supposed to reply to such enquiries re the running costs of their cars.

Oh, and also, Sufficient! was the correct and only answer to the "what Horsepower"? question, if it were asked.

Mercedes-Benz A45 AMG - Running Costs - oldroverboy.

I am concur with Brum's assessment as above.

Which per Uncle Arthur Morton's comment from 60 years ago, was what the RR salespersons were supposed to reply to such enquiries re the running costs of their cars.

Oh, and also, Sufficient! was the correct and only answer to the "what Horsepower"? question, if it were asked.

I remember our Workshop Manager in Geneva asking a client about the fuel consumtion on a v12 jaguar auto and the client saying "Ca vous concern monsieur?" or more crudely, mind your own business. unless we were asked directly we never gave prices, (unless people asked me directly for parts and accessories) and most of our clients had accounts and these were posted as invoices, so very rarely any dramas.

Mercedes-Benz A45 AMG - Running Costs - RobJP

As to the running costs : the base car (no options) is about £39k. At 3 years old, it'll be worth roughly 50%, so depreciation will be £6k per annum, or £500 per month.

Assuming you've got a decent driving record and are 0ver 25, then insurance, servicing, tyres, fuel and all other running costs will probably be the same again, or a bit less.

So £1k a month, all in.

Obviously, if you're 21, then the insurance is probably going to be more than that on it's own.