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Firefox on PC - Doc

I am running the latest version of Firefox on Vista Home premium.

It is very slow to start and then hangs or I get a message saying script error.

I have tried refreshing and re-installing and have disabled all add-ons.

Chrome works OK, so I think it must be an issue with FF.

Anyone had the same problem?

Firefox on PC - bathtub tom

I'm running FF with Windows 7 ultimate. No problems, apart from the damn adverts.

Firefox on PC - Engineer Andy

I'm running FF with Windows 7 ultimate. No problems, apart from the damn adverts.

If you want to get rid of webpage ads, I would suggest you use the 'Adblock Plus' Add-on and its Pop-up add-on as well (both very highly rated)- they work very well and get rid of almost all ads and unwanted pop-ups (you can tweak both to suit for certain websites). Firefox has IMO the best range of useful add-ons, even if its not quite as fast as Chrome.

I feel very sorry for anyone running Windows Vista (similarly a few years ago for Windows ME users) - unfortunately there comes a time to bite the bullet and change to a better OS. Not sure about Windows 10 (not used it - too new - IMO probably not enough compatible applications/drivers yet to be really useful), windows 8.1 I've only used on my phone, which is ok, but nothing spectacular, whereas Win7 is good in most respects - whether you can get a good deal on an upgrade is another matter though.

Probably best (if you can't get Firefox to work on Vista) to try another browser like Chrome or similar. Best of luck Doc.

Firefox on PC - Leif
I like Firefox but I found on Vista and Windows 8, that it thrashes the CPU, often at 50% which is absurd. It might be the plugins and scripts, but that is silly.
Firefox on PC - jamie745

Solution: Get rid of Vista.

Firefox is very good. I use it at work on Windows 7 where it works absolutely fine with 25 tabs open all day. I use it on Windows 8 at home where it's slightly more prone to crash but nothing major.

Firefox on PC - Doc

Solution: Get rid of Vista.

That is not the answer!

It has worked well until recently. I suspect the latest update is causing the problem and am hoping that FF will sort it out soon.

Firefox on PC - jamie745

It's unlikely to be Mozilla's fault, but if there is a bug in the update they will fix it very quickly but users on Windows 7 & 8 don't seem to be having a problem.

Vista is an old operating system, obsolete in all but official designation. Microsoft have already stopped developing programs to be compatible with XP and it won't be long before Vista is axed as well.

You won't even be able to use the most recent Internet Explorer on Vista, because it needs Windows 7 to run it.

Firefox on PC - gordonbennet

SWMBO had Vista on her laptop, the best thing that happened was the day the thing pegged out, she had nothing but trouble operating her various programs with that white elephant.

Win7 we both run now and works well, i use FF all the time (trouble free with Adblock Plus and Ghostery which sorts out the ads/trackers), SWMBO runs IE for most of her programs but also uses FF for certain uses.

Firefox on PC - FP

I know people cursed Vista for being a PITA, but I have run it for some years without any problems. It has been happy with any software I've installed, runs the usual things like a printer, scanner, webcam, USB soundcard.

Not being a computer expert by a long way, I don't understand why people's experience of Vista should vary so widely, though I accept that this is the case.

Firefox on PC - concrete

I am running the latest version of Firefox on Vista Home premium.

It is very slow to start and then hangs or I get a message saying script error.

I have tried refreshing and re-installing and have disabled all add-ons.

Chrome works OK, so I think it must be an issue with FF.

Anyone had the same problem?

Used vista at work for a while-disastrous. We got rid asap. Windows 7 & 8 seem ok though. At home I use Ubuntu with Firefox. Works an absolute treat. You can download Ubuntu free and run it alongside Vista. I will bet you will ditch Vista after a while. Ubuntu offers the choice of running alongside and if you wish it will remove Vista for you. Cheers Concrete

Firefox on PC - KateBennet

Vista? Hm maybe you should change your OS?

Firefox on PC - Doc

Vista? Hm maybe you should change your OS?

I have!

I'm now running 8.1 on a new Dell desktop, but with the "classic" theme (no tiles)

Firefox on PC - changnorriss73

you can check the software or the os that you use.

Firefox on PC - Bolt

Have been a lot of problems with 8 thats why not many got it, but windows 10 is being released on 29th July so you could upgrade to that free of charge within a year.

I dont know many that have not had problems with win 8/8.1 it is another Vista all over again

Firefox on PC - alan1302

Have been a lot of problems with 8 thats why not many got it, but windows 10 is being released on 29th July so you could upgrade to that free of charge within a year.

I dont know many that have not had problems with win 8/8.1 it is another Vista all over again

I'm the opposite I've had 8 and not had any problems and neither has my wife or parents. Don't know anyone that has had a problem with it.

What kind of problems did you have?

Firefox on PC - Bolt

I dont have it, I`m on windows 7 still, but those I know and have had to fix pc problems have had loads of driver issues and program compatability problems,

so I`ve kept clear of it, kind of reminds me of Vista years ago and that was a joke as I think Microsoft found out due to its popularity

Firefox on PC - focussed

Have been a lot of problems with 8 thats why not many got it, but windows 10 is being released on 29th July so you could upgrade to that free of charge within a year.

I dont know many that have not had problems with win 8/8.1 it is another Vista all over again

We've been having serious problems with W 8 / 8.1 on a new Dell Inspiron. Such that OH had to spend hours/ days on the phone to a Dell tech who tried every trick in the book and ended up sending us a new disc copy of W8.1 and talked us through re-installing it which solved the problem of the computer continually trying to repair a supposedly faulty drive.

I think we'll wait to see how W10 goes with other users first, don't want to be a guinea pig!

Firefox on PC - LauraWalley

There were not problems with Windows 8.1. It worked perfectly. However, now I have Windows 10 and I am using Miscrosoft Edge and I have sme problesm with watching some videos (and flash player is on). But firefox and google chrome work without problems.



Edited by Avant on 22/09/2015 at 00:14

Firefox on PC - Wackyracer

I had/ still have problems with FF playing youtube videos, the video will stop unless I keep moving the mouse. I tried all the suggested fixes and nothing worked. youtube videos play fine on Chrome and IE though. In the end I gave up using FF.

Firefox on PC - Benedict56

Hiii all ,

I have downloaded firefox but nothing happens when i doubleclick the firefoxsetup icon. I am not a new user since i have been surfing in the net with firefox for quite a time. Now i want to install firefox to a new pc and i just cant!! It like fiorefox refuses to perform in the specific machine. I have never encountered similar problems in the past, and i dont know what to do. Could someone help me??

Firefox on PC - Fatty_X


what operating system do you have?

When running windows 8.1 there's problems with the "fast" or "short" installer. try the full installer instead. I got that problem several times.

Firefox on PC - jeffreyburkholderRoom

you can use google chrome best brower

Firefox on PC - Eleonor Rose

Hey, just one advice, if you still have Vista, you better get rid of it and adopt Windows 7, Vista is full of bugs, it s the worst version of windows systems ever ever!!!

Edited by Eleonor Rose on 11/03/2016 at 16:45

Firefox on PC - alan1302

Hey, just one advice, if you still have Vista, you better get rid of it and adopt Windows 7, Vista is full of bugs, it s the worst version of windows systems ever ever!!!

10 is the way to go now...7 is getting on in the years now and not going to be supported for much longer.

Firefox on PC - Wackyracer

10 is the way to go now...7 is getting on in the years now and not going to be supported for much longer.

If only they would have kept WMC, it's the best tv tuner/PVR I've ever used on a PC. I'd gladly pay money for it.

Firefox on PC - alan1302

10 is the way to go now...7 is getting on in the years now and not going to be supported for much longer.

If only they would have kept WMC, it's the best tv tuner/PVR I've ever used on a PC. I'd gladly pay money for it.

Although I'e not used it myself I'm always surprised they got rid of that - no idea why they did as most people that use it seeem to like it.