VW Passat - COTY Award - Cluedo
VW Passat has been awarded COTY 2015. Do not know what else to say except I think they are accepting mediocrity.
VW Passat - COTY Award - Wukl

That's a joke, surely? Then again, looking at the top ten, how many of those are any more interesting than this most middle of the middle manager's company car?

VW Passat - COTY Award - Cluedo
No joke I'm afraid Wuki - that is according to Autocar at the Geneva show.
VW Passat - COTY Award - Trilogy

A joke? COTY has been a joke for decades.

VW Passat - COTY Award - madf

Prior winners include:

2012 Chevrolet Volt

2009 Opel Insignia

2006 Renault Clio

2004 Fiat Panda

2003 Renault Meganne

I suggest the basis of choice is "likelyhood of being a POC"

VW Passat - COTY Award - oldroverboy.
Forgive my ignorance. What is a poc... Piece of..?
Doesn't mean they 'll sell any more does it? And anyway.. Small car of the year. Executive car whatever.. Very few people are fooled by all this.

Edited by oldroverboy. on 03/03/2015 at 07:22

VW Passat - COTY Award - coopshere

Totally meanigless propaganda. Surely no one takes notice of this any more.

VW Passat - COTY Award - brum

I agree with coopsphere, marketing hype bought with bungs.

All "products of the years" are really "advertising clients of year" awards.

BTW the new passat is only available in diesel, great for getting around Paris and London in the future....not.

VW Passat - COTY Award - Ordovices

Don't buy one then.

Which car manufacturer doesn't use marketing and hyperbole? Or are we supposed to believe that driving a Nissan Juke is as exciting as taking a mega death slide through the heart of a city, driving a Toyota Auris will make you fall in love with driving again, buying a Mokka will make you stand out from the crowd (actually, they may be right on that one, if you want to look odd), Nissan Squashy the ultimate urban experience.

Metal boxes with engines for getting from A - B. Wake up to that and it all becomes clear unless you believe that it will make you more attractive or be more admired by other chaps (if that spins your wheels).

People who are gullible enough to believe the advertising machine deserve what they get.

VW Passat - COTY Award - Avant

It would be much more meaningful as an award if all cars were eligible, instead of just those newly on the market in the past year.

VW Passat - COTY Award - madf

It would be much more meaningful as an award if all cars were eligible, instead of just those newly on the market in the past year.

Sorry but that negates the prupose of the Award which is to sell new cars.

Anyone who thinks its is to choose the actual Best car.. needs counselling..

VW Passat - COTY Award - skidpan

The clue is in the name, "Car of the Year".

Surely that means a car that has been introduced during the past 12 months or in this instance during the year 2014.

If all cars were eligible would it not be be "Car of all time".

It been a joke for longer than I can remember. If you think a Passat winning is bad (looks OK to me) just remember that the Talbot Horizon won it one year.

Edited by skidpan on 04/03/2015 at 16:28

VW Passat - COTY Award - Avant

I remember when the Horizon won the award - 1978 or 1979 I think, as that was when it came out. The reason it won was purely because it had a trip computer, which I don'think any other mass-market car had.

As you say, Skidpan, it's been a joke for many years: there are several reasons for that, but one of them is that - whatever the name of the award - it's restricted to newly-introduced models.

We're often rude about motoring magazines on here, but their 'car of the year' awards include in the field any cars currently in production, and are far more useful for that reason for people who want to buy a car.

"Sorry but that negates the purpose of the Award which is to sell new cars." That purpose would be better served if usefulness for potential buyers came higher up its list of priorities.

Edited by Avant on 04/03/2015 at 20:25

VW Passat - COTY Award - Trilogy

Renault 9 was even worse than the Horizon. That must have been an appalling year for new cars.

VW Passat - COTY Award - dadbif
The Chrysler Alpine was once voted COTY.....
I rest my case