New warning signs detect if a phone is being used - Trilogy

New warning signs detect if a phone is being used - gordonbennet

Slight distraction that anti distraction sign.

Wonder what the next motoring bogey-man will be, we currently have speeding, mobile phones and soon Diesels...tippers and lorries in general are the new devil incarnate in towns whilst chelsea tractors seem to be ok again now that Debs and Charlotte drive Landrover Ewoks and everyone else and his dog has a Quasquai, so whats the next anti crusade.

anything to keep the proletariat from thinking too much about the country's real problems

New warning signs detect if a phone is being used - Snakey

The next stage is to attach a camera to these so an automated fine can be raised.

Our usual solution to a problem - point a camera at it and get a fine from it.

New warning signs detect if a phone is being used - bathtub tom

"The system can't detect yet whether it's the passenger or the driver using the mobile phone or indeed if it's a hands-free device"

Another chocolate tea-pot.

New warning signs detect if a phone is being used - Ben 10
All it takes is to have a discreet copper viewing the sign who then radios a colleague past the sign to focus in on any cars coming along for a stop.
And how long before the tech is placed in police vehicles along with ANPR to weed out these law breakers.
New warning signs detect if a phone is being used - NARU

I can see drivers taking about as much notice as they do of the signs telling them to keep two chevrons apart on the motorway.

New warning signs detect if a phone is being used - madf

If you have a passenger and there is no photo , you have a 100% safe defence. Not me guv -- the passenger...

End of story.

New warning signs detect if a phone is being used - Armitage Shanks {p}

Ludicrous waste of time, momey and resources IMO. Phone is use does not mean, and will be hard to prove, phone in use illegally!

Edited by Armitage Shanks {p} on 08/02/2015 at 10:38

New warning signs detect if a phone is being used - alan1302

Ludicrous waste of time, momey and resources IMO. Phone is use does not mean, and will be hard to prove, phone in use illegally!

It's in testing though - they are still developing it.