"My question was, are they correct to quote me for £300 and later ask for £2200? Have they dealt corectly by not identifiying and not informing costumer of possible outcome? In the end of the day there is not couple of houndreds difference, is £1900. I did not have a final decision to procede or not as my agreement for the job was based on £300...."
Hang on - higher up you said the price had been renegotiated to £836. In your first post you said the quotation was for £300+. (That, by the way, does not sound like a quotation - more like an estimate.)
I think it would be unreasonable to balk at that. You were told it might be more than £300. You have to accept that, in the real world, it's often impossible to give a firm estimate, and I doubt very much whether a garage would ever give a written quotation in those circumstances. So I don't think you can challenge them legally.
However, I'm sure you do have a point here, though it's more a question of communication than anything else. There should have at least been a conversation along the lines of: "We think the job will cost you somewhere between £300 and £350, sir, but we need to warn you that glowplugs can sometimes be very difficult to remove, and the price could easily more than double."