Hi John
I hope you can help me with this problem in that when I got into my car the other day, put the key in the ignition and started the engine, I tried to move the gear stick out of park and into drive. The gear lever seemed to be stuck in park, it's only when I really pushed down on the brake pedal it moved.I checked all the gear positions before moving off and everything seemed fine.
At the time I just put it down to a gremlin in the system.On my arrive at my destination, I parked up put the gear lever into park and turned off the engine. It's only when I tried to retrieve the key that I found out it would not come out of the ignition switch.I have looked on-line to no avail, but for some comments regarding a sensor/solenoid linked between the park position point and the ignition switch.
Another thing I have noticed while pondering this question is, what colour should the indicator light be when a gear stick is in park as mine is showing red. All other positions on the gear shift when moved show an orange light, but I can't think for life of me if this red light on the park is normal. All the gears changes show up on the instrument panel, so that's Ok. In the back of my mind for some reason I think this should be green and this could explain why I can't remove my ignition key. Can someone help me on this post, on what it should be.