Grand C-max 1.6 ecoboost - Turbo noise when backing off throttle - Eddy56

My grand c-max 1.6 ecoboost recently started making noise when coming off the throttle, it sounds like the turbo but not a straight hiss, more a burbling woosh for a second which changes frequency as it dies down, it sounds like the turbo spooling down. It happens between every gear change. It's quite loud and audible in the cabin under normal driving (modest acceleration to 2.5k revs and change gear)

my local Ford garage says it's normal but it clearly isn't and it only started recently. I've owned the car from new, 22k miles and I'm a month away from end of 3 year warranty. The service guy said he spoke to Ford and they said they are not concerned that the noise indicates a problem - I bet they arent! I suspect I'm being fobbed off becuase they can't figure it out without going down expensive roads and hope I'll go away and come back when the problem worsens and I'm out of warranty. The garage I'm dealing with is very, very small, I wonder if they have seen many of these engines as they are not common.

Should I go to another much larger main dealer and see what they say?

Grand C-max 1.6 ecoboost - Turbo noise when backing off throttle - Eddy56

I posted in this area rather than technical as I'm less seeking a diagnosis of the fault, more advice on how I should tackle getting Ford to address it.

Edited by Eddy56 on 26/11/2014 at 12:09

Grand C-max 1.6 ecoboost - Turbo noise when backing off throttle - brighteyes
I would suggest that you contact Ford yourself and register your complaint with them. This has two advantages, firstly you will get the information straight from the horses mouth and secondly if it does go pear shaped after your warranty expires I think you would have a good case to claim through the courts if it got that far.
Grand C-max 1.6 ecoboost - Turbo noise when backing off throttle - Ethan Edwards

The manufacturers warranty is surely valid at any Ford dealer.

Whoosh sounds on over run...dump valve or Wastegate valve?

Grand C-max 1.6 ecoboost - Turbo noise when backing off throttle - RobJP

The problem that you've got is that the car is not 'faulty'. It works, it drives, it accelerates, it stops. You've not got any engine management lights on the dashboard, you've not had a dropoff in acceleration. So they can reasonably say that the car is not faulty.

The best thing is for you to send a letter to the dealership stating about this noise, and that you are concerned that it might be a 'developing fault'. Send it by recorded delivery to the delaer principal, also send yourself a copy too - keep the copy that you send to yourself sealed, it's a nice bit of evidence to have.

Grand C-max 1.6 ecoboost - Turbo noise when backing off throttle - Eddy56

I had another chat with the technician, he said he hadn't seen many examples of this engine best he could offer was "maybe they all do it". He's suggested I take it to another branch in the next town where they have a larger workshop and the dealership chain's head technician, who could listen to it and see what he thought.

I'll give that a try next, and if that doesnt work I will complain directly to Ford and also write to the servicing dealer, as have been suggested above. The problem is I'd planned to trade the damn thing in for a new car soon, I'm not sure the issue is going to escape the notice of whoever I trade it in with, though. So this car which isnt "faulty" could well cost me dear.

Grand C-max 1.6 ecoboost - Turbo noise when backing off throttle - RobJP

If you're looking to trade it in, then unless the engine is running like a bag of bolts, it's highly unlikely that a garage would notice

Grand C-max 1.6 ecoboost - Turbo noise when backing off throttle - Eddy56

so I took the technician's suggestion and took a trip to the next town where they have a larger workshop. No appointment, I just turned up and asked them to see what they thought. So far, very good service - they took the car straight into the workshop for a listen and then agreed the car was making excessive noise on overrun, no arguments. They were busy with booked work so very kindly offered to drive me home and asked me to leave it with them. I've just had a call - they have found a turbo problem and are awaiting advice from Ford, they have taken the turbo off and sent pictures of various parts to Ford and I am told will get advice tomorrow on next action. I'm pleased to have at least got beyond "maybe they all do that, sir" at the last workshop. I'm still under warranty (by 2 weeks!) and the car has full Ford history and only 22k miles, so I've absolutely nothing to worry about here, right? I'll find out tomorrow when Ford report their verdict and give the dealer their instructions

Edited by Eddy56 on 01/12/2014 at 17:02

Grand C-max 1.6 ecoboost - Turbo noise when backing off throttle - Happy Blue!

so far so good. Shows that a good mechanic is worth his weight in gold.

Grand C-max 1.6 ecoboost - Turbo noise when backing off throttle - Eddy56

I have the car back with a new turbo and associated plumbing, all done under warranty. At least one workshop run by this dealership is capable of diagnosing a blindingly obvious fault and fixing it, which is nice.

Grand C-max 1.6 ecoboost - Turbo noise when backing off throttle - gordonbennet

A big thanks for updating the thread with your excellent result, a lesson to many.