Two weeks ago my friend was driving home in the rush-hour traffic and the car broke down. Thinking of the safety of other road users, My friend had no choice but to push the vehicle off the highway onto the kerb making sure it was not parked on the pavement, and not to obstruct and inconvenience pedestrians and residents. My friend tried again for a further 20 minutes but the car was life-less.
Speaking to a friend of mine who is a mechanic is almost certain the alternator may be the problem, so nothing could have been done at the time of breaking down if this was the case, with no working unit to replace broken one. My friend went back hoping to start car next morning. When she got to the breakdown point the car was gone.
To cut a long story short My friend has written one letter three emails and numerous phone calls within the last two weeks and not one reply not even a letter stating they had the car from the Parking Services. So my friend sent a email to customer service, same council, who duly obliged with a reply. Please read letter below.
Has you can see the Parking Services want My friend to pay all the fees and then appeal against it. Is there any other way without going down the fee route? Advice much appreciated.
By the way there were no signs or markings stating no parking etc where the breakdown had been.
Thanks or your time
Edited by Olisouth on 13/11/2014 at 18:55