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Italian Speeding Fine - Happy Blue!

Having returned from an Italian holiday, I seem to have been a one man speed machine, having incurred several speeding fines when I have had none in the UK for over ten years.

All the fines bar one have appeared on my credit card bill via Hertz, but one has come as a letter from the authorities in Bologna. I was doing 76kmh in a 70kmh zone. What is the legal view of this. If i dont pay, what happens?

Italian Speeding Fine - brum

If you dont pay?

They send the boys round to fit you with a pair of concrete wellies and take you swimming...

Italian Speeding Fine - Alby Back
What on earth did you hire? A Ferrari?


I got nicked for speeding in Italy a few years ago in a Panda. The irony didn't escape me given that my UK car is a wee bit ( quite a wee bit actually ) faster than one of those. I paid up by the way. I need to go to Italy fairly regularly and it seemed to be the line of least resistance.
Italian Speeding Fine - Happy Blue!

Not a Ferrari, but it was on the way to my private Lamborghini factory tour.......

Italian Speeding Fine - peterb

Not just a legal question, surely?

I sympathise - it's easier to mess-up abroad and I got fined myself for going into a restricted area in Pisa. But being a foreigner (in Italy) shouldn't excempt you from a fine.

Italian Speeding Fine - daveyK_UK

Don't pay it

Italian Speeding Fine - Happy Blue!

And if I don't pay it? Do I get legal enforcement knocking at my door, or will Hertz pay and charge my credit card?

Italian Speeding Fine - RobJP

I believe they can enforce it, either in the UK, or through the Italian court.

The ultimate downside is, if you refuse to pay, they put you on an internal 'wanted' list. Arrive in Italy on a flight in a few years, and find yourself being refused entry to the country, or possibly arrest.

It's happened in the past, I recall reading about similar sorts of cases, though whether it still happens now is anyone's guess ... I suppose it all depends on how lucky you feel, and if you're intending going back someday.

Italian Speeding Fine - gordonbennet

Do you feel lucky, well do ya (in your best Clint Eastwood drawl).

I'd bear in mind that if we stay in the EU, and i have no doubt those who own/call the shots intend very much for this to be the case, then full political and legal integration is going to come whatever promises/guarantees are made and where that utlimately could lead is anyone's guess.

The thing is there's money involved, and as some 70/80's celebs, even the dead ones, are finding out, where money is concerned there is no time limit nor static goal posts.

Edited by gordonbennet on 28/10/2014 at 21:40

Italian Speeding Fine - Big John

Probably what has appeared on your credit card is just a charge for passing on your details per fine. You will probably get a few more letters. If you don't pay they will get nastier in tone. For an easier life and to stop costs escalating I would just pay

Italian Speeding Fine - Armitage Shanks {p}

I read that the admin fee for hire car co to pass you details on is €35. Are your credit card charges those sort of amounts? A Speeding find would be much higher, I would think


Italian Speeding Fine - bananastand

Having hired a car once in Italy and escaped unscathed, I would certainly hesitate to do so again. And yes if we are dragged into permanent EU membership, there will be no logical difference between your local police force and the Bulgarian riot squad, for example. Any officer from any country can bang on your door, or kick it in. nd some of them might not be as sympathetic as your local bobby. Be seeing you!

Italian Speeding Fine - Happy Blue!

Decided to pay up. It was EUR51.15. Not sure which (if any) of the two sums on my credit card bill it refers to (presumably these are admin charges), but we shall see what happens.

I wouldn't mind but at least in the UK our cameras are yellow and tall. The Italian ones are grey and squat things with no obvious warning. I think it was on the last day of the holiday I realised what they were. It could get expensive!

Italian Speeding Fine - Smileyman

I think you did the right thing - the constant nagging worry will they or won't they, and what (if anything) will happen next time you go to Italy, for peace of mind it's worth it.

I picked up a speeding ticket in Florida in 1996, I called them to pay with my card but they did not accept cards so I had to send them a US$ cheque (obtained from American Express at Lakeside) ... the next time I visited USA I made sure I had all the details of the payment with me, just in case it had been lost in the post and I was scheduled to be returned home in chains. One less thing to think about.