With the number of on line scams escalating, I’ve heard of another one thats doing the rounds.
At the moment there is a huge demand for small vans from individuals who have been made redundant and wishing to go self employed.
The case in particular involved a small van offered for sale on eBay at an “unbelievable.” Price.
When the buyer phones up , and here comes the clever bit, the buyer says the car is sold. When pressed he says there is a fifty percent deposit on the car. The buyer realising that he has missed a bargain offers to pay the full amount now.
The buyer says he will think about it and calls back the next day saying he will accept this and hands the phone to his wife who gives the bank details. Collection is arranged for later in the week as it involves an 80 mile journey.
The buyers phone goes dead once the money is transferred and when the buyer turns up at the address he is met by an annoyed householder who has had six other people turn up after the van!
No preaching but it goes to show how professionals are entering the business!