The Great Diesel Scandal: Obsessed by CO2 emissions, our politicians bullied and bribed us to buy diesel cars when they KNEW their toxic fumes were killing us. And guess what, those drivers are now being hit with extra taxes
PUBLISHED: 22:16 GMT, 8 August 2014 | UPDATED: 09:52 GMT, 9 August 2014
Last year, for the first time since passing my driving test three decades ago, I finally bit the bullet and bought the kind of car my dad had been urging me to get for as long as I can remember: a sensible diesel one.
‘They’re so much more economical,’ my dad had kept telling me.
He isn’t necessarily right about everything, but I trust him on cars. In his youth he used to race them as a hobby and, unlike me, he knows a piston from a spark plug.
‘Quite a bit of poke under the bonnet, too. What with fuel injection, they’re just as nippy as petrol cars. Also, they hold their value for much longer . . .’
So when I proudly unveiled my new diesel automobile, I thought he’d be impressed.
Instead, he said: ‘Oh. Haven’t you heard?’ And he broke the bad news.
Apparently, far from investing in the motoring sale of the century, what I had, in fact, gone and bought was a four-wheeled cancer machine.
Not only, he went on, are diesels extremely bad on the pollution front, spewing tiny carcinogenic particles into the air which lurk in your lungs and cause thousands of deaths in Britain every year, but they’re also terrible value for money.
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