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Ford Fiesta zetec S - Turned in a corner, hit a uneven road surface poth - JamieM9021

I was coming up to this roundabout and when I was still turning I had hit a uneven road surface pothole which is highlighted in yellow,somehow the ride felt hard when going over it or I had went over it quite hard.

I am concerned of damaging the car tyre,steering wheel,suspension,shock absorbers or car mechanical components since it felt as if I went over it quite hard. The car drives straight and I checked the car tyres which is okay

I have a sports car with sport suspension

The uneven road pothole surface:


Ford Fiesta zetec S - Turned in a corner, hit a uneven road surface poth - galileo

From your various posts it seems you are too nervous/worried/paranoid to comfortably drive a car in this country, as all roads here have kerbs, potholes, manhole covers and other hazards which might once in several thousand miles damage your tyres/brakes/suspension or your spinal column.

If you really worry about these things I suggest you trade the Fiesta in for a more robust vehicle, e.g. a Jeep, Landrover or one of the Toyota 4 wheel pickups popular with the Taliban and Isil.

Ford Fiesta zetec S - Turned in a corner, hit a uneven road surface poth - gordonbennet
one of the Toyota 4 wheel pickups popular with the Taliban and Isil.


Ford Fiesta zetec S - Turned in a corner, hit a uneven road surface poth - mss1tw

If you really worry about these things I suggest you trade the Fiesta in for a more robust vehicle, e.g. a Jeep, Landrover or one of the Toyota 4 wheel pickups popular with the Taliban and Isil.

Or a bus pass!

Ford Fiesta zetec S - Turned in a corner, hit a uneven road surface poth - The-Mechanic

Or a mountain bike and a life !!!!

Ford Fiesta zetec S - Turned in a corner, hit a uneven road surface poth - elekie&a/c doctor

I'm sure the op is referring to the pop duo, Ike an turner corner.

Ford Fiesta zetec S - Turned in a corner, hit a uneven road surface poth - Bolt

We could use some of them round my way yours are smaller

Ford Fiesta zetec S - Turned in a corner, hit a uneven road surface poth - Simon

I fail to see what this joker gains by posting his rubbish???

Ford Fiesta zetec S - Turned in a corner, hit a uneven road surface poth - gordonbennet

Dangerous ground that Simon, maybe best not knowing.

Recall the lawnmower man virtually chomping through whatsits mind :-) cue eerie is anybody there music....

Ford Fiesta zetec S - Turned in a corner, hit a uneven road surface poth - JamieM9021

I like sports car because its fun in corner roads but potholes is a huge issue and i am paranoid about these things since the car is relatively new.

I am being serious or else I won't be asking these questions. I treat my car as a precious treasure.

Ford Fiesta zetec S - Turned in a corner, hit a uneven road surface poth - mss1tw

Well you didn't even ask a question in the first post.

Assuming you mean "Is my car damaged?" - how do we know? You said it drives fine so probably not.

If you want further reassurance, have the tracking/wheel alignment checked and adjusted.

Ford Fiesta zetec S - Turned in a corner, hit a uneven road surface poth - Bolt

Got to say potholes are becoming far too many and not being repaired properly.

I think the art of road repair has gone,years ago most repairs were permanent but not now and around my way were finding manholes collapsing into the road.

Very poor show by contractors

Ford Fiesta zetec S - Turned in a corner, hit a uneven road surface poth - skidpan

I have a sports car with sport suspension

No you don't. You have a Ford Fiests Zetec S. It may have slightly firmer suspension and low profile tyres but it is not a sports car.

Its a warm hatch whch will cope with normal roads just like the ones you drive on.

Ford Fiesta zetec S - Turned in a corner, hit a uneven road surface poth - The-Mechanic

As skidpan says, it's NOT a sports car by any stretch of the imagination. It's just a Luke warm hatch which, just possibly, has aftermarket alloys (massively oversized for the car is the usual thing) and cheapo aftermarket lowering springs on the standard shock absorbers which are too low and too stiff.

This combination will cause a jarring ride on nearly all road surfaces and judging by the PIC of the 'pothole' (really, that's what you class as a pothole ?) the tyres and suspension must really be too hard to cope.

If you want to see a real pothole, try this


Or maybe less extreme, this
