At work we recently took delivery of four out of twenty seven new euro 6 trucks. As well as the Adblue system they now have a exhaust catalyst regeneration system (dpf). Whilst driving one yesterday it started regeneratein and this is the first time I have had this as they have only covers 1500 miles and I drive different lorries all the time.
I knew it was regenerating as the light came up but I was entering the waste tipping site at the time so I switched the system off whilst tipping them turnd it back on again once I left the site. We have be told to do this by the people who came from mercedes-benzene uk who gave us some trying about the system. They say that it reaches temperatures of 750°c.
I don't drive diesel cars as I have no need to plus I prefer petrol cars. Do modern dpf equipped cars have such a function where u can switch off the regeneration process if in a unsuitable environment and do they have warning lights to say that it is happening so you could avoid aborting a regeneration unintentionally and like the system our trucks have do it let u know if the regeneration is needed buy a traffic light system of green means it's regenerating yellow it's needed but has been switched off and red means the catalyst needs replacing?
Sorry if it seems a long winded post.