Can't comment on the ohter particulars of your 'tale' but I assure you no-one is able to piggyback off someone's credit history by virtue of their address. Credit worthiness belongs to the individual not their place of residence.
Now if they use your identity, then yes, but as this insurance was in their name that clearly wasn't an issue on this occasion.
I assuem you have reported this miscreant to the police rather than simply posting on here?
The post which I wrote is a very small precis of what actually happened, I had many dealings with the police over this person who I must say was extremely ignorant and due to that ignorance I assumed that his use of my address was for the purpose of piggybacking my credit worthyness, however he still did do that, when I explained this to the police on more than at least 5 occasions, they took no notice, the insurance company however ( Insure the Box ) completely ignored my protests but then we all know as motorists how money grabbing insurers are.
The reason for his determination to have insurance wasn't because he wanted to be law abiding it was because he wanted to seem like he was legitimate and so avoid arousing suspicsion by the authorities, as an illegal immigrant it seems his sole purpose for being here was to screw the system.
I tried to reason with the police by suggesting that it is surely impossible for an illegal immigrant to hold a real UK Driving License due to the fact that if a person is here illegally they aren't entitled to hold a UK Driving Licence especially if they have a stolen identity or a an assumed name, this argument was met with disdain and confusion so nothing happened.
I posted this subject on this forum because so far all my efforts have come to nothing and I just wanted to raise the subject to find out whether there was any interest in it.