Camera van on road that is being resurfaced - chrisjwood

Hello, yesterday whilst driving into work I passed a camera van that was sat on the side of the road, this road is normally 50mph but is currently being resurfaced. I was doing roughly 30mph coming round the corner, panic'd slightly at seeing the van and slowed down to 20mph that is marked at the start of the rough road by a 'max speed 20mph sign'.

However coming the other way were cars doing well over 30/40mph...

Does anyone know which speed they monitor?

Camera van on road that is being resurfaced - skidpan

Lower speed limits are imposed at roadwork sites for the safety of the workers. If the limit had been reduced from 50 to 30 it was for a good reason. If you were cought simply pay the fine and get on with life and learn from your experience.

Camera van on road that is being resurfaced - chrisjwood

thanks - I'm unaware if I was caught as yet - as I said I slowed down, I suspect some others may be getting letters

Camera van on road that is being resurfaced - Bromptonaut

If resurfacing is of the spray tar/throw down chippings method then the 20 limit, posted by cars on lamposts etc, is advisory.

It's purpose is to avoid damage from flying chips and to mitigate reduced braking action on the loose surface. Such limits are widely ignored and the SC van will be monitoring the normal limit of 30 40 or whatever.

A formal temporary limit, such as that in force round M/way works requires an order from highway authority and will be posted by proper statutory signs, albeit mounted on trestles.

Camera van on road that is being resurfaced - Cris_on_the_gas

If the lower speed limit sign was a round sign with red border then this is mandatory. it has to be backed up by a local traffic order.

Most speed limits posted on roadworks are not of this type and are advisory so you cannot be prosecuted for exceeding this. You could be reported for driving without due care and attention if you drove an an inappropriate speed. For this it would have to be proved that your standard of driving fell well below that of a compentent driver