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Dim vendor - Ford Escort - Trilogy


Dim vendor - Ford Escort - Engineer Andy

Whatever this illness (IMO) person has got, I think has spread to other vendors lower down the page!

I could understand paying a premium price for a 'classic' Escort from the 60s or 70s (the high-performance models like the RS2000 or Mexico), but a cheesy Y Reg (not F reg as they state - its about 6-7 years older) with a poor reputation (my parents had a succession of these during the 1980s - and our A Reg 1.3 model kept on breaking down [horrible car IMO])? Not exactly a classic.

Dim vendor - Ford Escort - gordonbennet

You're forgetting 'scene''tax, not quite in the same league as footballer prices being paid for years old VW mini buses or RWD Escorts yet, but give it time.

I have a feeling that prices for good older cars is on the increase, moving the free VED timescale has helped, but i wonder if the boring souless automotive washing machine that modern cars have become has alienated some of the younger car buyers out there, and they want something a bit simpler and with some character, and they can diagnose and fix themselves.

TBH, my idea of hell would to be forced to own and drive a modern hatchback, i'd rather walk.

Dim vendor - Ford Escort - AlexT

I really don't think I'm going to pick up any chicks with that... I'm going to go with a Logan...

Dim vendor - Ford Escort - 72 dudes

Blame recent programmes like "For the love of cars", "Classic Car Rescue" and "Car SOS". I said in a previous thread that the prices of old cars were getting silly.

Anything vaguely retro is now cool, look at all the 'vintage clothing' stores selling tat fit for a jumble sale.

Dim vendor - Ford Escort - Wackyracer

I don't think it is over priced. £1000 is banger money these days and if it's in good shape must be worth it to someone who wants one.

Not a car I liked tbh but, everyone to their own.

I've seen far worse for more money.

Dim vendor - Ford Escort - Avant

If I remember right, this model of Escort was better to drive than the 1990 model which followed it. Anything 30+ years old which is still in good condition will start appreciating just a little in value, so I agree, £1,000 isn't excessive if this one really is sound.

It looks OK from the pictures, and the 'fish' symbol on the back means that at some point it's been driven by an evangelical Christian, who is unlikely to have been a boy-racer.

Edited by Avant on 22/06/2014 at 16:39

Dim vendor - Ford Escort - 72 dudes

If I remember right, this model of Escort was better to drive than the 1990 model which followed it. Anything 30+ years old which is still in good condition will start appreciating just a little in value, so I agree, £1,000 isn't excessive if this one really is sound.

I remember being handed the keys to one of these in 1.3L guise when I was doing my Industrial Placement in 1983. Smoothness and refinement were good compared to my 6 year old Maxi I had at the time!

Difficult to hot start, I seem to remember, I had two within 6 months and both the same.

The Ghia version was quite nicely finished too with two tone velour upholstery and "wood" inlays on the door and dash.

Dim vendor - Ford Escort - SteveLee

I remember being handed the keys to one of these in 1.3L guise when I was doing my Industrial Placement in 1983. Smoothness and refinement were good compared to my 6 year old Maxi I had at the time!

You must have had the world's most knackered Maxi if a Mk3 Escort bested it for smoothness and refinement - was there any fluid left in the Maxi's suspention system? Better gearchange? Yup I can buy that, better handling? Undoubtably - but better smoothness and refinement? Really?

Dim vendor - Ford Escort - Trilogy

I remember being handed the keys to one of these in 1.3L guise when I was doing my Industrial Placement in 1983. Smoothness and refinement were good compared to my 6 year old Maxi I had at the time!

You must have had the world's most knackered Maxi if a Mk3 Escort bested it for smoothness and refinement - was there any fluid left in the Maxi's suspention system? Better gearchange? Yup I can buy that, better handling? Undoubtably - but better smoothness and refinement? Really?

When I test drove a 1600 the engine was much smoother than my parents Maxi 1750. It would have been difficult not to have been.

Dim vendor - Ford Escort - SteveLee

I remember being handed the keys to one of these in 1.3L guise when I was doing my Industrial Placement in 1983. Smoothness and refinement were good compared to my 6 year old Maxi I had at the time!

You must have had the world's most knackered Maxi if a Mk3 Escort bested it for smoothness and refinement - was there any fluid left in the Maxi's suspention system? Better gearchange? Yup I can buy that, better handling? Undoubtably - but better smoothness and refinement? Really?

When I test drove a 1600 the engine was much smoother than my parents Maxi 1750. It would have been difficult not to have been.

Having driven many cars with both engines - I'd been hard pressed to pick a winner in terms of engine smoothness - the CVH is rightly renowned for being harsh and noisy - the E series can be harsh and vibey (particularly 1750 twin carb models that haven't been serviced properly) but plenty of them are smoother than any CVH I've ever had the misfortune to rev. Being a long stroke engine, designed to maximise torque, there was no point screaming the E series anyway.

In terms of overall vehicle refinement there's absolutely no contest. The Maxi was from the next class-size up (and was refined for its class). Of course the Escort mk3 (which wasn't particularly refined in its own class) would run rings round it in the twisties..

Interestingly the European Escort was the first Ford to be put through thier then new NVH (Noise Vibration Harshness) programme - the purpose of the programme wasn't to eliminate NVH (which would make the cars expensive to produce) but to tune it to frequencies that humans find pleasing. The RS1600i with it's solid engine mounts proved the concept works - refinement was poor - but the mechanical vibes felt right in the car - giving it a sense of sporty purpose, connecting the car and driver!

Dim vendor - Ford Escort - 72 dudes

I remember being handed the keys to one of these in 1.3L guise when I was doing my Industrial Placement in 1983. Smoothness and refinement were good compared to my 6 year old Maxi I had at the time!

You must have had the world's most knackered Maxi if a Mk3 Escort bested it for smoothness and refinement - was there any fluid left in the Maxi's suspention system? Better gearchange? Yup I can buy that, better handling? Undoubtably - but better smoothness and refinement? Really?

When I test drove a 1600 the engine was much smoother than my parents Maxi 1750. It would have been difficult not to have been.

Having driven many cars with both engines - I'd been hard pressed to pick a winner in terms of engine smoothness - the CVH is rightly renowned for being harsh and noisy - the E series can be harsh and vibey (particularly 1750 twin carb models that haven't been serviced properly) but plenty of them are smoother than any CVH I've ever had the misfortune to rev. Being a long stroke engine, designed to maximise torque, there was no point screaming the E series anyway.

In terms of overall vehicle refinement there's absolutely no contest. The Maxi was from the next class-size up (and was refined for its class). Of course the Escort mk3 (which wasn't particularly refined in its own class) would run rings round it in the twisties..

Interestingly the European Escort was the first Ford to be put through thier then new NVH (Noise Vibration Harshness) programme - the purpose of the programme wasn't to eliminate NVH (which would make the cars expensive to produce) but to tune it to frequencies that humans find pleasing. The RS1600i with it's solid engine mounts proved the concept works - refinement was poor - but the mechanical vibes felt right in the car - giving it a sense of sporty purpose, connecting the car and driver!

No Steve, my Maxi was in reasonable condition, had done around 66k IIRC, but while the Escort was happy to rev smoothly and cruise at an indicated 85 on the M4, the Maxi always felt as though it was straining and I rarely took it over 70 despite the 5th gear. After the Maxi I had a Renault 16TL with the 1565cc engine - smooth as silk and the ride quality was outstanding, even if it did corner on the door handles!

Dim vendor - Ford Escort - SteveLee
Hmm Ford speedos were notoriously happy at speed - you were probably cruising at 70! I can understand a 1500 Maxi struggling - they were underpowered - but a 1750 should cruise quite happily at 80. If I remember rightly the 1600 mk3 was geared at about 20mph/1000revs - so your 85mph cruise would have been at 4,500 rpm - I can't see how that could have been serene! I did like the Renault 16 as a motorway cruiser - surprisingly competent.
Dim vendor - Ford Escort - Manatee

the 'fish' symbol on the back means that at some point it's been driven by an evangelical Christian, who is unlikely to have been a boy-racer.

I have a supply of those for attaching to cars I need to sell :)

Dim vendor - Ford Escort - Bromptonaut

the 'fish' symbol on the back means that at some point it's been driven by an evangelical Christian, who is unlikely to have been a boy-racer.

I have a supply of those for attaching to cars I need to sell :)

This forum needs a 'like' button :-)

Dim vendor - Ford Escort - Alby Back
>the 'fish' symbol on the back means that at some point...

Oh that's what they are? I thought it was just something a Volvo dealerships had stuck on to identify that they had sold the car in the first place.

Dim vendor - Ford Escort - Avant

In case anyone would like to know..... the fish is an ancient Christian symbol, the reason for it being that the letters of the Greek word for 'fish' - I CH TH U S are the first letters of the Greek words for 'Jesus Christ, God's Son and Saviour'.

Edited by Avant on 25/06/2014 at 23:22

Dim vendor - Ford Escort - Alby Back
That would make a fabulously ostentatious private plate !


Good factoid that though Avant. I shall pretend I have known that for ever at some appropriate moment.
Dim vendor - Ford Escort - mss1tw

I don't think it is over priced. £1000 is banger money these days and if it's in good shape must be worth it to someone who wants one.

Not a car I liked tbh but, everyone to their own.

I've seen far worse for more money.

My thoughts too. I know people who've spent that on a night out!

Dim vendor - Ford Escort - Sofa Spud

I don't think £1000 is over the odds as an asking price for one of these Escorts - the styling was spot on at the time and although they're obviously very dated now, they still look pleasing to the eye..

Dim vendor - Ford Escort - JALOPYS

How times move on the cars i used to buy for a few hundred pounds are now making silly money but if you keep any thing long enought it becomes a collectors item i could have been worth a fourtune if only i had kept all my Escorts/Fiestas and the like.

Dim vendor - Ford Escort - Trilogy

I test drove one of these secondhand in 1985 but ended up going for a MK2 Golf 1.6GL instead. I don't think £1,000 is far out. 'F' reg is quite shocking.

Dim vendor - Ford Escort - Wackyracer

'F' reg is quite shocking.

Obviously the seller does not know much about the registration system, they obviously think it is a pre fix registration.

My elderly father is the same. He often makes some comment about how good a car is for whatever year he thinks it was made.

Dim vendor - Ford Escort - Sulphur Man

Whatever the Escort owner believes his car can fetch, there's a lot of mileage in this thread

Here's another exhibit. I think this is very underpriced, especially in late June.


Dim vendor - Ford Escort - Trilogy

When was the last time anyone saw one of these? www.carandclassic.co.uk/car/C494628