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Middle Aged Road Rage - Happy Blue!

There was an article a few days ago in The Telegraph about middle aged men experiencing (not commiting) more road rage than ahy other sector.

Today I was at traffic lights in a right filter lane with an elderly Mercedes S-class next to me in the middle lane. As I turned right, it also tried to turn right and it took me a while to realise that the driver was doing. He almost hit the middle of my car and he took umbrage as I hooted. Thereafter he followed me down some narrow streets ( I was visiting a 'back street garage') and when I stopped he shouted that he could turn right also as the lane arrows indicated he could.

After a fortunately fruitless shouting match he drive off and I later went back to check. His lane arrows are straight ahead only so he had no right to turn as he did. Needless to say the driver was male, white and in his fifties and the Mercedes had a private plate on it which my wife (who I called when I realised I was being followed) has written down.

Not expecting a response, just getting a stupid situation off my chest.

PS I am 49. Am I therefore middle aged??

Middle Aged Road Rage - Armitage Shanks {p}

The other day I joined a dual carriageway, from a slip road and slotted into the left hand lane with about 4 cars behind a lorry doing about 50 mph. Nobody was signalling or showing any signs of wishing to overtake so I looked, signalled and did so. As I got abeam the 2nd car in the stream he signalled and pulled out almost hitting my nearside.

I hooted and flashed and continued overtaking, Once I was past the lorry and back in the left lane he came hammering past and pulled in front of me and braked sharply. I pulled out and overtook him, partly to avoid a collision and before I could pull in he tried to undertake me. Driving some rare Japanese car called an Impian. I slowed down, pulled into the left lane and let him get on with his life.

Middle Aged Road Rage - Bobbin Threadbare

I'll third this. A few years ago, I approached some traffic lights, on red, and signalled to get into the left turn lane. I could see a red car quite far back in that lane, so I shifted over sharpish, lights went amber and I started to set off. This red car must've put his foot to the floor when he saw me move over, and came barrelling up behind me, flashing and honking, while the lights went green. He then proceeded to follow me for about 3 miles through Preston, driving about 6 inches off my back bumper. I started driving in a random pattern to make him go away. Eventually, we pulled up at some very slow changing lights, he got out of his car, kicked the passenger door of mine, and shouted at me; I was not allowed to get in HIS lane apparently. He called me fit to burn, hammering on my window and demanding I open the door. About 50 years old I reckon. Pathetic.

Not much bothers me, but that is a particularly creepy thing to do to a young female driver on her own.

Edited by Bobbin Threadbare on 11/06/2014 at 22:32

Middle Aged Road Rage - Happy Blue!

Hmmmm. So much for experiencing rage, it seems like middle aged men commit it.

PS. An Impian is some form of Proton for the sub underclass.

Middle Aged Road Rage - gordonbennet

Thats cos they're the only group left thats its not a criminal offence to single out, lots of other groups of peoples have issues of unpleasant, anti social or plain criminal activity but saying so openly is likely to find you down the nick before you've got the last word out.

Soft option.

Middle Aged Road Rage - Sofa Spud

Some years ago I was driving along a 30 mph road at about 30. Behind me was a scruffy looking guy in one of the few Ford Granadas that remained in use. This driver had become very annoyed that I was restricting him to 30 mph and he was repeatedly accelerating up to my rear bumper and dropping back. When the road was clear, he overtook me and then immediately slammed on his brakes and drove at about 15-20 mph, for a distance, as if to pay me back for slowing him down!

Middle Aged Road Rage - HandCart

But if I, not belonging to a sub underclass, drove an Impian purely because of its granting me Malaysian reliability (ex-Mitsubishi mechanicals) at dirt-cheap prices, then the 'out of my way, pleb!' attitude you convey above sounds like just the reason you'd end up invoking road rage from me, Blue, ironically.

Middle Aged Road Rage - Happy Blue!

But if I, not belonging to a sub underclass, drove an Impian purely because of its granting me Malaysian reliability (ex-Mitsubishi mechanicals) at dirt-cheap prices, then the 'out of my way, pleb!' attitude you convey above sounds like just the reason you'd end up invoking road rage from me, Blue, ironically.

I think I was being ironic......Can't imagine a 50yo man driving one getting me to commit road rage; more likely to be driving sensibly

Middle Aged Road Rage - Auristocrat

Proton Impian - made in Malaysia. Used by Humberside Police for a time.

Edited by Auristocrat on 12/06/2014 at 12:44

Middle Aged Road Rage - Avant

Much sympathy for all of you above. I'm not sure that it's particularly a middle-aged thing, but it certainly seems to be overwhelmingly a male prerogative.

He may be henpecked at home, downtrodden at work, or just naturally aggressive. He talks about 'the wife' but his well-used jalopy is 'my car'. Behind the wheel he is his own boss and In Control: he is himself a loser but in his car he feels somehow more equal to others on the road, most of whom he knows have made themselves a better life than he has.

On reflection, perhaps you're right - these deep-seated losers are probably mostly middle-aged. Young roadhogs are just plain impatient or trying to show off to a girlfriend who almost certainly won't be impressed.

Middle Aged Road Rage - dan86

While we were working a main road (Emptying the bins) we were causing a small bit of traffic a middle aged man around 50 started honking and swearing at us to move out of his fing way he offers us all out to a fight but there was four of us on the crew that day ad he was a feeble looking man who could of gone over very easy. We didn't take him up on his offer of a fight as we want to keep our jobs.

It makes me laugh how someone turns in to a hard man when there in a tin box. I find its the middle aged men in people carriers that are the worst.

Middle Aged Road Rage - SteveLee

I guess there must be an age where the average coaster has just realised he has thrown his life away - 40 something in a dead-end non-job with no real prospects - fine if that's what you're happy with but I suspect not for the majority!

Given that I live in a very violent “enriched” area (it wasn't when I bought my house just 15 years ago) there's surprisingly little road rage despite the appalling third-world standards of driving on display - either the new locals think that's normal driving or the natives are too afraid of being stabbed to remonstrate with the terrible drivers.

Middle Aged Road Rage - HandCart

>>>"I guess there must be an age where the average coaster has just realised he has thrown his life away - 40 something in a dead-end non-job with no real prospects - fine if that's what you're happy with but I suspect not for the majority!"

...or perhaps had a harridan ex-wife who's shredded his life in the divorce courts? That could possibly make someone a bit nihilistic.

Middle Aged Road Rage - SteveLee

...or perhaps had a harridan ex-wife who's shredded his life in the divorce courts? That could possibly make someone a bit nihilistic.

Very good point - I know a few of those!

Middle Aged Road Rage - mss1tw

I love offering these clowns out. They never expect 6 feet of fit electrician to jump out. Had a taxi driver cowering the other day after he tail-gated me at 8am on a Sunday morning as I was on the way for a run. Great fun.

Middle Aged Road Rage - Sofa Spud

I saw a case of elderly rage once. An elderly woman driver hooted at an elderly man with a walking stick who was taking his time to cross at a pedestrian crossing. The old man with the stick, who was quite big and tall, turned and stood in front of the car, shouting and banging his walking stick on the windscreen!

Middle Aged Road Rage - Wackyracer

I've never quite understood how people think that shouting and being aggressive will make them right.

I remember a group of young lads in a Corsa who decided to undertake me in the left only lane at traffic lights, Not a well thought out plan as their lane ended with metal railings and they only just squeezed infront of me before going into the railing. Result was lots of hand gestures then they sped off up the road. a minute or so later they were at a red traffic light with an FH12 rolling up behind them. They seemed to have lost the use of their tongues and their arms then for some reason.

Middle Aged Road Rage - Ed V

That makes me jealous. I've always wanted to be a gentle giant.

Middle Aged Road Rage - Andrew-T

PS I am 49. Am I therefore middle aged??

'Fraid so (I am 74). Sorry about that, and also about the rage.

Middle Aged Road Rage - Rog_VW
Sign of the times I think as I've not had a road rage incident for years and then 2 in 2 weeks. Sorry to say that I am one of those people who needs their licence so I stick very closely to the speed limit, especially if I know if there are cameras about. Both times I was doing the speed limit and both times some middle-aged man came flying up to my rear bumper and would start to get annoyed about me doing 60 in a national limit or 50 on a 50 limit road notorious for accidents. They'd tailgate me in their old bangers (I could see their red faces) in the rear view mirror crimson with anger that my car was in their way! Then they'd swerve out and struggle past with the obligatory rude gesticulations.

I think that the economic downturn has affected them so stress levels are high...
Middle Aged Road Rage - 72 dudes

About 8 years ago I was travelling with my wife through a fairly nice area in the West Midlands, doing about 35 in a 30 on a wide tree-lined main road. Behind me were a couple of girls in a Corsa. (They happened to be black but could have just as easily been white).

The driver had both hands off the wheel and her and her passenger were grooving around to the latest hot tunes, whilst needlessly tailgating me to move quicker. I moved to the left hand side of the road and slowed to let them past. As they drew alongside, the passenger chucked her bag containing a half eaten burger and coke at my car. Unfortunately, my driver's window was half down and she was a good shot.

My first reaction was disbelief, my second was "what a waste of food" (:>)

We did inform the police who were quite sympathetic but we never heard anything back.

I chose not to finish the girl's unhappy meal.

Middle Aged Road Rage - mss1tw
Sorry to say that I am one of those people who needs their licence so I stick very closely to the speed limit

I don't, but neither do I feel anyone who does should have to apologise!

Middle Aged Road Rage - mss1tw

Anyone else notice the roads were almost lawless this evening?

Must be the sun, weekend and football factor.

Middle Aged Road Rage - jamie745

Whenever I have to drive on the busy roads at 8 in the morning, I do get wound up very easily. Too many vehicles, not enough road, junctions and interchanges simply overwhelmed by the demand put on them, people sitting stationary on the dual carriageway because the queue for the exit is simply too long.

All you need in this situation is somebody doing something stupid. Like a Lorryist overtaking another one despite being limited to the same speed. You get a lot of that in this part of the country, as the nations Chinese tat is all jammed onto inferior roads at the same time.

Middle Aged Road Rage - gordonbennet

Anyone else notice the roads were almost lawless this evening?

Its not just the roads, and it used to be confined to Friday and Saturday late afternoon and evenings/nights.

We will reap what we sowed/voted for.

Middle Aged Road Rage - Alby Back
I rarely if ever find myself getting anxious or angry while driving. Not that I don't regularly see or experience reasons to at least consider those reactions. I just choose not to have them.

Becoming angry with an idiot does not reduce their idiocy. For example, sounding the horn after the event as a rebuke to someone who has done something stupid or rude serves no useful purpose and can turn a simply bad driver into an emotionally charged or nervous bad driver. That compounds the problem rather than cures it.

Far better in my experience just to accept that there is a strong possibility that on most journeys you will witness bad driving and concentrate your efforts on making sure your own is as good as you can make it.

I find Mozart helps.
Middle Aged Road Rage - bathtub tom

>>We will reap what we sowed/voted for.

Yeah,right on. I'm currently waiting for my new passport and need to contact HMRC (have you ever tried ringing their 0300 number - I think I'll write them a letter).

Middle Aged Road Rage - V4 Heaven
I used to be a bit of a nightmare for road rage in my mid 20s but then I went and lived in Italy for a couple of years. You can imagine what the standard of driving was like there! As a result, I think I've seen so much bad driving there, that nothing surprises me any more and I've calmed down as a result. I remember being undertaken at speed by a 3-up motorbike on a dual carriageway and none of them had a helmet on! This was one of the milder occasions. Strangely though I didn't see many accidents. I wonder if the generally poor driving made everyone more alert, whereas because we are conditioned to conform, anything out of the norm which we're not expecting causes us problems.
Middle Aged Road Rage - barney100

Italian driving scary?....ever been to Malta? Sat at T junction indicating R to get onto a busy road.....guy in an old truck full of watermelons just waltzes past me on the right and without looking or lowering his speed just turns R through the main roads trffic flow....no hooting and no one seemed in the least put out. Kenya was good too, in a taxi which had 6 of us in belting down very bad roads at considerable speed and then into town......all the time the driver is honking his horn.....he said if you hit a pedestrian and you were sounding your horn it was always the pedestrians fault. Can this be right? Malta gets my vote, 'which side of the road do you drive on in Malta? I asked a Maltese lady I know, 'we drive in the shade' she said.

Middle Aged Road Rage - barney100

(Duplicate post)

Edited by Avant on 14/06/2014 at 13:39

Middle Aged Road Rage - Wackyracer

I watched a documentary the other night on 'road rage' but, when I started watching it was really a cyclists versus motorists campaign.

I think the main cause is everyone seems to be in a desperate hurry.

Middle Aged Road Rage - corax

I think the main cause is everyone seems to be in a desperate hurry.

Yes, they must all love their jobs. Or they have to clock in, with a time and motion man hovering in the background with a pen and clip board.

We are just over populated, in the South at least, as Jamie says.

It's bliss when the kid's are on holiday, it's possible to keep some momentum on the road.

Middle Aged Road Rage - madf
I used to be a bit of a nightmare for road rage in my mid 20s but then I went and lived in Italy for a couple of years. You can imagine what the standard of driving was like there! As a result, I think I've seen so much bad driving there, that nothing surprises me any more and I've calmed down as a result. I remember being undertaken at speed by a 3-up motorbike on a dual carriageway and none of them had a helmet on! This was one of the milder occasions. Strangely though I didn't see many accidents. I wonder if the generally poor driving made everyone more alert, whereas because we are conditioned to conform, anything out of the norm which we're not expecting causes us problems.

Italian road deaths run at more than double the UK...(per head of population)..


Middle Aged Road Rage - Avant

I last drove in Malta 45 years ago but from what Barney says nothing has changed. One hand (if lucky) on the wheel, one (always) on the horn....lorries with names like 'Flying Fortress' and buses with drivers surrounded by icons of the Virgin Mary to whom the presumably pray for a safe journey, quite possibly with their eyes shut.

Middle Aged Road Rage - bintang

As an elderly driver, I find my habit of keeping to speed limits upsets quite a lot of drivers but I sometimes get insults just by being there. Not long ago, I was quietly partaking of my bad coffee and worse sandwich in a bar of the National Theatre when a young man, who had been staring at me from another part of the room, came over and called me an old fool, while making for the exit.

Middle Aged Road Rage - gordonbennet

Bintang, that wasn't a man you encountered, young or otherwise, he was simply a disprespectful m****...lets hope it doesn't find an equally unpleasant female of the species to breed with.

Middle Aged Road Rage - Trilogy

My commute to Cambridge is just 3 days each week. Just leaving 15 minutes earlier in the morning makes a noticeable differnce in traffic volume. Fortunately, I only go there on one week day otherwise I'd go mad. Sat/Sun commute is much more blissful.

BTW, Cambridgeshire police are extremely unobservant. A car has been parked in a layby on the A14 now for around two weeks. It has no tax disc.

Middle Aged Road Rage - bathtub tom

>> Cambridgeshire police are extremely unobservant. A car has been parked in a layby on the A14 now for around two weeks. It has no tax disc.

Nothing to do with the police. Have you considered reporting it to the DVLA?

Middle Aged Road Rage - A3 A4

Surely the answer to this is the frustration of trying to exist in a population of 70 million within an infrastructure fit for only 50 million.

Its the middle aged who are probably feeling the frustration most as we are the ones who can recall the times before Blair & co held the doors wide open.

It must also be noted that there are far more on the road here that have not passed their test in this country and bringing their continental driving habits and standards to our roads ...

Edited by A3 A4 on 16/06/2014 at 16:08

Middle Aged Road Rage - memyself-aye

What is an FH12?


Polic car?

just thought I'd ask...

Middle Aged Road Rage - dan86

Volvo Fh12 is a lorry.

Middle Aged Road Rage - SteveLee

Surely the answer to this is the frustration of trying to exist in a population of 70 million within an infrastructure fit for only 50 million.

Its the middle aged who are probably feeling the frustration most as we are the ones who can recall the times before Blair & co held the doors wide open.

It must also be noted that there are far more on the road here that have not passed their test in this country and bringing their continental driving habits and standards to our roads ...

+1 'cept one of the big supermarkets calculated our population as being around 80 million based of the sale of staple goods - the government have no idea how many people are in the country. The standard of driving in London in particular closely mimics that of the third world - which isn't surprising given the bulk of the population does too - this will upset the mods - but it's perfectly true. I'm still struggling to think of a winning party who promised to do this to my country in their manifesto - particularly the mind-boggling rate of change since 1997.

Middle Aged Road Rage - Trilogy

>> Cambridgeshire police are extremely unobservant. A car has been parked in a layby on the A14 now for around two weeks. It has no tax disc.

Nothing to do with the police. Have you considered reporting it to the DVLA?

No. Not doing that. Cambs police can.

Middle Aged Road Rage - Bromptonaut

No. Not doing that. Cambs police can.

You cannot expect the Police to watch every layby in the County or even those on major trunk roads. It's YOUR responsibility as a citizen to report abandoned/untaed vehicles.

Middle Aged Road Rage - Trilogy

No. Not doing that. Cambs police can.

You cannot expect the Police to watch every layby in the County or even those on major trunk roads. It's YOUR responsibility as a citizen to report abandoned/untaed vehicles.

They can spot a car parked on a verge, but can't spot one in a layby for two weeks. They must drive with their eyes closed not taking anything in. I have reported it, but nothing has happened. No doubt if it had been an expensive car it would have had more interest from the wrong crowd.

Middle Aged Road Rage - bathtub tom

pearls before swine Brompt, pearls before swine!

Middle Aged Road Rage - Wackyracer

This reminds me of when the Police were looking for a car that was reported to have spun and crashed on the A3 at Burpham. They then found a car in the ditch with a skeleton at the wheel. He had been there for approx 5 months.

Middle Aged Road Rage - hillman

One evening, late, about 10:30 pm in the mid 80s, I was doing my usual 30 mph through Bramhall, Nr.Stockport. Straight stretch of road, 30 mph speed limit, when a car came up behind me fast and flashed his headlights, like a police car on the motorway. The street lighting was good and it was a mid summer evening. The occupants of the car were in clear sight, middle aged well dressed, two males in the front, two females in the back. There was nothing to stop him overtaking me so I kept going. The car dropped back and then ran up to me again and flashed the lights and then again dropped back. This happened at least three times, so I slowed down to let him pass. Then the car turned into a driveway and I realised that the driver was playing with me. The car was a posh model, with the new valances instead of bumpers, whereas I was in my old Wolseley 6'110, built like a tank with huge section bumpers and over-riders. I often think that I might have slowed down on the handbrake when he was accelerating behind me. The brake lights wouldn't have shown and the others car's front valance would have been severely tested.

Middle Aged Road Rage - hillman

I know the feeling !

"Middle Aged Road Rage - bintang

As an elderly driver, I find my habit of keeping to speed limits upsets quite a lot of drivers but I sometimes get insults just by being there. Not long ago, I was quietly partaking of my bad coffee and worse sandwich in a bar of the National Theatre when a young man, who had been staring at me from another part of the room, came over and called me an old fool, while making for the exit."

One Sunday morning I was going to work, (I'm well past 'retiring' age), when I saw a 4X4 with trailer in front of me. It was on the A6, and everything was quiet and peaceful, but the trailer was overloaded and the springs were fully compressed, the body was on the axle. The direction indicator was flashing for right turn, but the only turn was on the left, so I held back,doing between 20 and 25. Eventually the 4X4 turned into a filling station on the right several hundred yards ahead. Then I resumed 30 mph. I was aware that a blue 1 tonne van had come up behind me and the driver looked impatient with me. There were only the two of us on the road and there was no reason why he shouldn't have overtaken. Then I saw in the distance that the traffic lights had turned to red and so I slowed down to give them time to turn to green again - no need to stop un-necessarily. As I went through the lights there was a roar of engine as the blue van passed me with the back down through the acceleration. It was driven by a sun-god in string vest with big muscles, giving me 'The Look' and in the passenger seat beside him was a small Andy Capp, looking straight ahead. The the van pulled in front of me and braked viciously. I'd got far better brakes in my car so I dropped back and followed him for several miles until I turned off.