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Audi, Land Rover, BMW etc make designers redundant - Trilogy

Audi, BMW, Land-Rover, Jaguar etc are making car designers redundant. Apparently they are no longer needed. Any of the staff can now create a new model by just increasing or decreasing size. To differentiate between models the font and rear lights will be changed a little while acrease line along flanks will be moved, up, down, angled or delted to make side views distinct. The dashboard will be nicked from another model in the range to reduce costs

Finally, to simplyfy model designations each model will go as Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large or Extra, Extra Large or S/M/L/XL,XXL for short.

Sadly, imagination and creativity has gone. BL was so good at making all their cars look totally different apart from the Micholetti Triumphs, which pre-dated today's Russian doll design language.

Audi, Land Rover, BMW etc make designers redundant - RobJP

But, if that's what people want to buy, then those that don't (and they seem to be in the minority, looking at JLR sales figures and dealerships) just look like old curmudgeons, harking back to the days of the Empire.

Just remember just how bad virtually everything built by BL actually was

Audi, Land Rover, BMW etc make designers redundant - davecooper
I don't think it is a case of "old curmudgeons". In many cases, myself included, people want to be a bit individual and not follow the crowd. I cannot think of anything worse than being part of a "prestige??" car train on the motorway. Thankfully we all have a choice.
Audi, Land Rover, BMW etc make designers redundant - misar
Sadly, imagination and creativity has gone. BL was so good at making all their cars look totally different apart from the Micholetti Triumphs, which pre-dated today's Russian doll design language.

Anyone singing the praises of BL either was not around at the time or has totally lost the plot and should retire gracefully from both these forums and driving. BL was a company which cynically sold rubbish and deserved to go broke. Not to mention that they had plenty of "models" which were identical apart from badges and/or a bit of trim.

Audi, Land Rover, BMW etc make designers redundant - Happy Blue!

And the Michelotti Triumphs were lovely. Someone once said that the Dolomite was a car you should drive wearing a dinner suit. Similar design philosophy did BMW no harm nor Mercedes.

Audi, Land Rover, BMW etc make designers redundant - Trilogy

Anyone singing the praises of BL either was not around at the time or has totally lost the plot and should retire gracefully from both these forums and driving. BL was a company which cynically sold rubbish and deserved to go broke. Not to mention that they had plenty of "models" which were identical apart from badges and/or a bit of trim.

Indeed, utter codswallop apart from badge engineering Riley, Austin, Morris, Vanden Plas, Wolseley, Jaguar XJ/Daimler. Mini, Allegro, Marina, Maxi, Princess, Dolomite, Spitfire, MG Midget, MGB, SD1, Range Rover, Land-Rover, Jaguar XJ and XJ-S were so similar/identical.................only to a mole. All these were BL cars sold after badge engineering ceased. I was around at that time.

BL was just an example. If you look at some other manufacturers their cars bore little or no resemblance to one another e.g. Renault 4, 5, 6, 12, 16. Ford Escort, Capri, Cortina, Granada.

Audi, Land Rover, BMW etc make designers redundant - gordonbennet

Like most makers BL group made some excellent and some poor cars, i had great service from my Land Crab, Princess 1800 wedge, Rover P6 V8, Rover 827 to mention a few, even the series 2a LWB ex army LR was great for what it was.

The two most hated cars in my ownership of the marque were a 2200 Land Crab and a Rover 2300SD1.

Both better and worse than other makes around at the time, but never let the chance to shove a knife into this country's heritage pass by unused.

Its not just the makes in the OP churn out cloned cars, its now most makers the general appearance of those cars varying as the price bands dictate, cars match the individuality of buyers and buyers are increasingly clone like hence indentikit cars, just as they buy into indentikit estate houses (dear Lord spare me from such a fate) and clothes.

What i can't understand is how plain and ugly has gained such fashion status, LR Ewok, Audi A1, Fiat 500L, Mazda and Mitsi pseudo 4x4's, Volvo C30, Scirroco, Ibiza to name but a few, why would anyone pay good money for cars so stunningly plain is a total mystery....cars like Roomster, Yeti, Multipla etc are at least indvidual and making no pretence of style, even Lexus grills have now gone way past motor accessory shop look, why....but the most crass piece of styling tat of late has to be the Aston style grill as fitted to Fiesta...please.

Edited by gordonbennet on 10/06/2014 at 23:41

Audi, Land Rover, BMW etc make designers redundant - Trilogy

but the most crass piece of styling tat of late has to be the Aston style grill as fitted to Fiesta...please.

It isn't an Aston style grill. I'm sure Ford is loving this huge misconception. It is a Ford style one. Gordon, I think you're old enough to remember.

Audi, Land Rover, BMW etc make designers redundant - Sofa Spud

QUOTE:...""Anyone singing the praises of BL either was not around at the time or has totally lost the plot and should retire gracefully from both these forums and driving. BL was a company which cynically sold rubbish and deserved to go broke.""

Their cars weren't any worse than Renaults or Fiats of the time, yet those two companies survived.

QUOTE:...""Someone once said that the Dolomite was a car you should drive wearing a dinner suit.""

..........Except the Sprint version, which you need to drive wearing a boiler suit!

Edited by Sofa Spud on 11/06/2014 at 18:35

Audi, Land Rover, BMW etc make designers redundant - galileo

Blame the climate change fanatics and the resultant obsession with CO2 emissions; wind -tunnel tests dictate the overall shape so they all (except RangeRover/Jeep etc) look the same.

Go to a dismantlers yard where body shells are stacked up without badges and see how many models you can identify from a distance.

Audi, Land Rover, BMW etc make designers redundant - alan1302

Blame the climate change fanatics and the resultant obsession with CO2 emissions;

Yes, lets blame the people that give a damn about the Earth!

Audi, Land Rover, BMW etc make designers redundant - focussed

The political battles of the 21st century will be between the enlightened pro-business, pro-progress scientifically and economically literate people and the backwards environmentalists who wish to stop progress and business.

These environmentalists are really just communists and other ultra-left wing misfits who lost the argument about collectivism in the 20th century and so have moved onto idiotic notions of how humans are 'killing the planet' etc.

It is imperative that we do not allow these people to win the argument and we should fight it with all the might we fought off the communist ideology of the last century. If the environmentalist nut-jobs get their way we would all be forced - at gun point - back into a pre-industrial world. They want nothing less than to undo all the progress humankind has made.

The environmentalists believe that we are subject to the whims of the earth when it is completely the other way around.

Peak oil, global warming, pollution etc are all made-up by the neo-communists in the environmental 'religion' to subjugate us against our will. The political battles of this century will be crucial and we must prevail against the backward anti-science, anti-progress, anti-business idiots. Our future is in our hands. Resist and debunk the environmentalists at every possible turn.

Audi, Land Rover, BMW etc make designers redundant - alan1302

Peak oil, global warming, pollution etc are all made-up by the neo-communists in the environmental 'religion' to subjugate us against our will. The political battles of this century will be crucial and we must prevail against the backward anti-science, anti-progress, anti-business idiots. Our future is in our hands. Resist and debunk the environmentalists at every possible turn.

Peak oil can be debatelabe, global warming though is pretty much a scientific fact...but how can you say pollution made up? It is pretty self-evident that it's real - you can see it everyday.

Audi, Land Rover, BMW etc make designers redundant - Ed V

Perhaps there is a stronger and more sophisticated marketing side to manufacturers today?

Part of the brand, or name being created, is the look of a car, so if Audis are all designed to be recognised as Audis, it helps them keep their name in lights and to boost sales no doubt.

Back in the day, a Rover was often recognisable as one.

The worst 'feature' today, for me, is the Lexus rhomboid or what ever it is they call the gaping mouth at the front. On its own, it would prevent my buying any of its models.

Audi, Land Rover, BMW etc make designers redundant - gordonbennet

The worst 'feature' today, for me, is the Lexus rhomboid or what ever it is they call the gaping mouth at the front. On its own, it would prevent my buying any of its models.

I sometimes wonder if designers these companies saddle themeslves with are actually sleeper 'plants' in the pay of rivals, quietly biding their time till they are in such a position as to see a design as appalling as the one you mention actually make it into production and destroy from within, Trojan Horse style.

We see it so often in car design, but seldom on a car such as a high end Lexus, it wouldn't matter how good the car is, how aesthetically perfect the rest of the vehicle is, i too could not possibly entertain one purely because of that grill, i'm staggered that Toyota allowed it to make production, the twerp should have been sacked.

Several makers have been down this road, Peugeot with their huge gaping grinning Blair like mouth, 107 (C1 no better) 207 407 4007 3008 5008 etc, Fords not much better on some model, particularly Focus/Fiesta.

Too many makers are sticking silly fairy lights at odd angles and ruining the looks of their cars too, no better example to me that Citroens DS3, IMO one of the prettiest small hatchbacks on the road today, but dear Lord no, those awful stick like DRL fairy lights at odd angles either side of the grill, what were they thinking, and as for RangeRovers (Ewok especially) with silly lights, words fail me.

Maybe playing with lights and spoilers (oh the irony they spoil them all right) is the only way to make some of these identikit designs stand out now, maybe such tat appeals to the youngsters in the makers focus groups.

Edited by gordonbennet on 12/06/2014 at 13:17

Audi, Land Rover, BMW etc make designers redundant - Ed V

I think our women might want to sit us at separate tables in the pub.

Audi, Land Rover, BMW etc make designers redundant - Ethan Edwards

global warming though is pretty much a scientific fact....

No a fact is either true or it is not. No grey area there. You cannot be 37% pregnant

MMAGW has yet to be a proven irrefutable scientific fact. It is still only a theory.

Consensus does not transform a theory into a fact.. Science does not work on consensus, or endless computer models. You suggest a theory, find evidence that confirms your theory then its an accepted fact. Once it's reproduced by your peers.

Produce your evidence. Don't forget to show your workings in the margin.

Religions do however accept half truths so perhaps Alan your preaching the new religion?

I'm an agnostic....and I have a letter from the chaplain to prove it !

Audi, Land Rover, BMW etc make designers redundant - alan1302

global warming though is pretty much a scientific fact....

No a fact is either true or it is not. No grey area there. You cannot be 37% pregnant

MMAGW has yet to be a proven irrefutable scientific fact. It is still only a theory.

Consensus does not transform a theory into a fact.. Science does not work on consensus, or endless computer models. You suggest a theory, find evidence that confirms your theory then its an accepted fact. Once it's reproduced by your peers.

Science is always based on concensus and always changing when other parts are discovered. Fot instance Einsteins theory of relativity is just that a theory but it's generally accepted as a 'fact' until someone is able to prove or disprove it.

Just as climate change is generally regarded as fact.

Audi, Land Rover, BMW etc make designers redundant - Hamsafar

Peak oil can be debatelabe, global warming though is pretty much a scientific fact....... It is pretty self-evident that it's real - you can see it everyday.

Are you joking? It has been proven to be a myth invented by the elite who are investing in 'emerging economies' and 'carbon trading'.

Edited by Hamsafar on 18/06/2014 at 14:33

Audi, Land Rover, BMW etc make designers redundant - madf

Peak oil can be debatelabe, global warming though is pretty much a scientific fact....... It is pretty self-evident that it's real - you can see it everyday.

Are you joking? It has been proven to be a myth invented by the elite who are investing in 'emerging economies' and 'carbon trading'.

So you think that since where I live was covered with a 1/2 mile layer of ice 30,000 years ago and is now clear of ice disproves global warming?

Audi, Land Rover, BMW etc make designers redundant - RobJP

So you think that since where I live was covered with a 1/2 mile layer of ice 30,000 years ago and is now clear of ice disproves global warming?

Well, going by that theory, modern man and all our technology isn't in any way resonsible for global warming, as 90%+ of the warming took place well before we started burning fossil fuels in any real quantity.

After all, 100,000 years ago, the earth was largely ice-free. SOMETHING caused the ice age to start, and it was probably a natural process. So, if going into an ice age is part of nature, then leaving an ice age is natural too.

Do I believe what I just typed about us not being responsible for climate change/global warming? No.

But then again, I also (hope) you don't believe what you typed too. Because if you do, then you must THANK all of these climate change sceptics, else you'd be dead, frozen under half a mile of ice !

Do remember that in the early 80s, Greenpeace et al. were all making huge noises that mankind was sending the earth into another ice age. Something they're quite keen for people not to remember. If they got it wrong then, is there a chance they're wrong now ?

Edited by RobJP on 18/06/2014 at 16:15

Audi, Land Rover, BMW etc make designers redundant - alan1302

Do remember that in the early 80s, Greenpeace et al. were all making huge noises that mankind was sending the earth into another ice age. Something they're quite keen for people not to remember. If they got it wrong then, is there a chance they're wrong now ?

Why would you trust what Greenpeace said? They are not scientists.

I do trust scientists though – research is what they do. I believe and trust them .

Audi, Land Rover, BMW etc make designers redundant - alan1302

Peak oil can be debatelabe, global warming though is pretty much a scientific fact....... It is pretty self-evident that it's real - you can see it everyday.

Are you joking? It has been proven to be a myth invented by the elite who are investing in 'emerging economies' and 'carbon trading'.

Show me your evidence and I am willing to read up