N/A - E-Call in all new cars by 2015? - focussed

All new cars to have E-Call device to report crashes to the emergency services.


What else could this system be extended to include I wonder? The possibilities are unfortunately endless.

N/A - E-Call in all new cars by 2015? - oldroverboy.

All new cars to have E-Call device to report crashes to the emergency services.


What else could this system be extended to include I wonder? The possibilities are unfortunately endless.

Call me paranoid but the "you will be tracked" as vehicle is registered to someone and a data connection will be necessary. Naturally it is all for our own good.....

N/A - E-Call in all new cars by 2015? - alan1302

All new cars to have E-Call device to report crashes to the emergency services.


What else could this system be extended to include I wonder? The possibilities are unfortunately endless.

Call me paranoid but the "you will be tracked" as vehicle is registered to someone and a data connection will be necessary. Naturally it is all for our own good.....

Except is says this:

'MEPs voted to strengthen a data protection clause in the draft law. They amended it to ensure that eCall-equipped vehicles are not subject to constant tracking'

So no tracking

N/A - E-Call in all new cars by 2015? - Hamsafar

Coincided with EU requiring remote shutdown of new cars in 2016.

That will mean enforced travel 'emmissions' embargoes and other such ecofascist rot.

Edited by Hamsafar on 01/03/2014 at 23:15

N/A - E-Call in all new cars by 2015? - oldroverboy.

All new cars to have E-Call device to report crashes to the emergency services.


What else could this system be extended to include I wonder? The possibilities are unfortunately endless.

Call me paranoid but the "you will be tracked" as vehicle is registered to someone and a data connection will be necessary. Naturally it is all for our own good.....

Except is says this:

'MEPs voted to strengthen a data protection clause in the draft law. They amended it to ensure that eCall-equipped vehicles are not subject to constant tracking.

AND YOU believe that?

N/A - E-Call in all new cars by 2015? - gordonbennet

Keep those older cars well serviced and rustproofed.

N/A - E-Call in all new cars by 2015? - Dabooka

AND YOU believe that?

I certainly don't! I completely agree, the last 12 months show the disdain 'security' services have for privacy and law. Yahoo? X-Box Kinnect? Mobile voice calls and SMS?

Nope, anything think that has the capacity to track and monitor will, through mission creep, being used constantly. They'll argue traffic management, pay per mile VED, all sorta of cobblers bases on the argument 'well the technology is already there, we may as well use it' and the idiots voting them in will sagely nod. After all, they have nothing to hide, right?

N/A - E-Call in all new cars by 2015? - alan1302

All new cars to have E-Call device to report crashes to the emergency services.


What else could this system be extended to include I wonder? The possibilities are unfortunately endless.

Call me paranoid but the "you will be tracked" as vehicle is registered to someone and a data connection will be necessary. Naturally it is all for our own good.....

Except is says this:

'MEPs voted to strengthen a data protection clause in the draft law. They amended it to ensure that eCall-equipped vehicles are not subject to constant tracking.

AND YOU believe that?

As MEPs votes can be proven then yes, I do belive they voted to strengthen the data protection in the draft law.

I'm not one to think otherwise unless you can show that they didn't?

N/A - E-Call in all new cars by 2015? - daveyK_UK

big brother.

time to get out of the EU

N/A - E-Call in all new cars by 2015? - alan1302

big brother.

time to get out of the EU

Excep it's not big brother at all - it's a safety feature that calls the emergency services in a crash.

N/A - E-Call in all new cars by 2015? - Smileyman

Will that be 999 or 112 (or 911?)

Will the computer speak the correct local language?

Will the car have GPS onboard (using the USA or European system?)

How will th car connect with the base station - mobile sim, a satphone systems, wifi, what about range and hidden pockets?

Can we opt out?

Biggest questions of all, who will pay (motorist most likely) and how much? - how will this be collected

IMO it's another example of Brussels biffins having too much time to waste finding inventive ways to waste the tax payers money and prove the value of their jobs being retained - sack the lot of them, do it now and show me the benefit next time I fuel my car

N/A - E-Call in all new cars by 2015? - Sofa Spud

Fast-forward to 2030 - Emergency services get called out to what appears to be a multiple pile-up only to find it's a banger racing event!

N/A - E-Call in all new cars by 2015? - alan1302

Biggest questions of all, who will pay (motorist most likely) and how much? - how will this be collected

It will be part of your car so will be paid for when you buy your car

N/A - E-Call in all new cars by 2015? - alan1302

IMO it's another example of Brussels biffins having too much time to waste finding inventive ways to waste the tax payers money and prove the value of their jobs being retained - sack the lot of them, do it now and show me the benefit next time I fuel my car

I think you are being naive if you thin coming out of the EU would reduce the price of petrol.

N/A - E-Call in all new cars by 2015? - Cluedo

The car wil decide what emergency servoice to call based on the damage read by sensors - BMW do it already.

N/A - E-Call in all new cars by 2015? - barney100

Technology, so many benefits but some downsides too. It's astounding that only a few generations ago our greatgrandparents walked most places they had to go or if they had money perhaps a horse. The railway and coastal steamers seemed the only long distance options to get round Britain. No phones etc etc. Now we jump in the car, you can get in touch with anyone anywhere on the mobile. Wonder what is next?