Hi All,
Could be something could be nothing, has anyone else had this happen? For the last 2 years I've been using my old cars MOT and tax renewal times as a period to find a more modern replacement for it. So far I've had every trick in the book played at me by a variety of car dealers, and seen some proper wrecks for cars, the result of which has seen me keep my money and walk away.
However today I thought for once I might have landed on a good car. It was a 2002 Volvo S80 with only 53,000 miles on the clock. It's been in the dealer for a couple of weeks but hasn't been taxed since November of last year. I did all the usual checks of the car as well as checked the V5 for water marks etc. I couldn't find anything wrong, the test drive was perfect everything worked (something none of my last 10+ test drives managed) so I asked the dealer if he minded if I could let the AA inspect the car before I bought it as a second opinion. He was fine with this, and so as soon I returned home I checked the MOT history of the car which again checked out but showed no advisory notes ever in its life (again something I've never had before)
Happy that I'd at last found a honest car dealer and a spot on car I called the AA to arrange an inspection. With details at hand I immediately called the dealer back to confirm that the AA were going to go look at the car, he said before I had chance to say anything else "sold it mate"
This was like 2 hours after I'd seen the car and they wern't exactly busy! He then said he was getting an exact same one owner model of similar mileage from a vicar later in the week!! I almost burst out laughing!
I'd got alarm bells and little red flags waving like mad in my head, and so declined the offer of a viewing. Now I know that he could well have 'just so happened' to have sold the car in the short period of time after I left, but I can't help thinking I dodged a potential bullet.
Has anyone else had this sort of thing happen to them, and is there a scam that some car dealers have going that they don't want a qualified AA technician to find out about?
In the end it's cost me £30 to cancel my AA inspection, but in the end I'm happy to lose that rather than potentially £2500 for a dodgy car!