My car has Xenon headlights, and I would like to apologise to oncoming drivers, and those driving in front, who are dazzled by me. I didn't choose to have them - they were with the car as standard. When following cars at night, I make sure that my "dip" is far behind the car in front to try to minimise distraction and discomfort for the occupants of the car in front.
They are adjusted correctly but I know that every dip and bump in the road causes distraction/danger for others. Unlike normal headlights, you can't driver-adjust the angle down a bit, as you would if you had a heavy load, and they are allegedly self adjusting.
I find no benefit from them in lighting the way ahead, compared to normal halogens. In fact, I genuinely believe they are not as good.
I'm not looking foward to the cost of repairing/replacing them if and when that day comes.
As far as I an concerned, they are more of a fashion/status item originally fitted to "high end" cars to stand out from the masses, but as we know, are now fitted to more reachable everyday cars.