Parking Eye - Charge - shumphreys26

I am lookng for some advice. I have received two charge notices from parking eye in the last month. I use a carpark opposite the gym twice a week at least and I have always been vigilent of restrictions.

I am at a loss here as to why I have received them - there is a clear sign in the car park that states max 1hr stay mon-sat 8am-6pm no return within 1 hr' which to me reads that after 6pm there are no restrictions. My charges are for over staying the 1hr after entering the car park at 19.47 and 18.59 ... I have returned to the car park and noticed two further parking eye signs that say 1 hr max stay contridicting the signs on the wall. I have drafted two 'appeals' along with photographs, is this the right thing to do? I've read threads to do with parking eye that say ignore them?

Parking Eye - Charge - DirkThrust

Don't ignore it. PE have been taking people to court lately and without a proper defence you will lose by default. Go onto Money Saving Expert Forum. In the Motoring section there is a Parking Ticket sub forum where you can get the right advice. If you follow the right procedure you won't have to pay. These tickets have no legal standing.

Edited by Avant on 31/01/2014 at 23:23

Parking Eye - Charge - shumphreys26

Thank you. I will follow the procedure in the hope that Parkeye will too.

Edited by Avant on 31/01/2014 at 23:24

Parking Eye - Charge - DirkThrust

Thankfully some people are getting wise and PE are losing a lot of the cases they take to court.

Edited by Avant on 31/01/2014 at 23:24

Parking Eye - Charge - Falkirk Bairn

PE are now owned by C(r)apita having paid £58m for the company.

Capita is an FT100 company who make money all over the shop - BBC, Crimnal Records, Teacher Pensions etc etc

They obviously think there are £££s to be made in Parking Eye

Parking Eye - Charge - Avant

Some posts above edited as some of the words used could be libellous. Sorry, but we have to be careful on a public forum.

If you don't like someone's products - goods or services - the simple answer is not to use them again.

Parking Eye - Charge - Armitage Shanks {p}

I undrstand you to say that there are contradictory signs, with conflicting information? Photographs of them will obviously support your case.

Parking Eye - Charge - shumphreys26

Yes there is a council signed pinned to the wall directly opposite the parking eye sign both state contraictory information. I have taken photos of both signs there vicinity in the car park and where my car was parked on both occasions which I have sent to PE via the email appeal system and recorded post.

I also spoke to a shop owner on the site it transpires half the car park is council owned and the other half is mointered by PE but even they couldn't tell me where the cut off is.

I have prepaired myself for a fight with PE over the misleading and uncleat signage displayed in the car park!

Parking Eye - Charge - Armitage Shanks {p}

Good - I think will be the winner here - easily. Please keep us updated with your progress/result!

Parking Eye - Charge - DirkThrust

In response to Avant's useful post.

Thanks for the helpful advice. Unfortunately no one actually intends to use the services of Private Parking companies. They infest more and more car parks these days and intentionally make their signage and Ts & Cs confusing and vague to catch out unsuspecting motorists.

Edited by Avant on 01/02/2014 at 17:43

Parking Eye - Charge - kerbed enthusiasm

A well-constructed argument worthy of consideration until it was completely ruined by the final two sentences.

Parking Eye - Charge - Bromptonaut

A well-constructed argument worthy of consideration until it was completely ruined by the final two sentences.

Spot on. Avant is a Moderator following the policies of the site owner. If HJ is cautious about libel he has every right to be - his site his rules.

Parking Eye - Charge - Avant

Agreed, and thank you both for the support. Potentially libellous sentences deleted: hopefully our friend will get the message that we have to be careful on a public forum.

The bit I've left in is a perfectly fair point.

Parking Eye - Charge - jazzy4

can I just ask how you are getting on with this matter as I have just received parking charge notice for using same car park after 6pm and having seen all the council signs positioned (1 hour max stay 8am to 6pm no returns within hour) one after the other naively assumed that post 6pm the car park could be used without penalty.

Greatly appreciate your feedback

Parking Eye - Charge - Avant

If the signs say 8 am to 6 pm the implication is that the rules don't apply after 6. Appeal politely to the parking authority and you should have a good chance.

See another thread on this which I've just moved over to this section from Motoring.

Parking Eye - Charge - daveyjp
As an aside Parking Eye have lost in Court again today trying to get someone to pay one of their invoices. Its becoming almost a weekly event. Their losses at POPLA are mounting and they have no wins when a proper legal argument is submitted.

There is evidence to suggest some private companies are now not even presenting evidence for POPLA if they see a well argued case as it saves them money.

Remember what happened to clamping when it got out of hand? Private Parking companies appear to want the same to happen to their invoicing scheme.
Parking Eye - Charge - Scottie Boy

These parking companies are nothing short of vultures. I have had two tickets sent to me in the past for being 3 or 4 minutes over the time in the carpark of the retail park involved. They try to make them look official as possible and word them in a threatening manner for example, one company always has a black and white battenburg chequered band on their letters which gives an impression of Police involvement. I live in Scotland so I know the law id different here but the advice I have been given is do not even go into any correspondence with these companies as that just confirms your name and address. I have long questioned why the DVLA are allowed to supply these vultures with motorists details, that is a disgrace in itself.

Parking Eye - Charge - daveyjp
DVLA are complicit because they make millions from it. In a free market thats all that matters, ethics don't enter the equation.
Parking Eye - Charge - Scottie Boy

Aye your right, no data protection act there eh?

Parking Eye - Charge - Bromptonaut

Aye your right, no data protection act there eh?

Data Protection DOES apply but giving user detail where there is cause is a legitimate use.

I doubt the statutory fee does much more than cover the cost.