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UKPC Parking Charge - RSH2

Today my wife parked in the new UKPC car park at St Stephen's Place in Trowbridge, Wilts. The car park offers 3 hours of free parking, but a ticket must be displayed. My wife failed to display a ticket. She returned to the car after less than an hour to find a "Parking Charge" stuck to the windscreen of £100, or £60 if paid within 14 days. The car park was less than half full. The "charge" seems out of all proportion to the failure on her part simply to display a ticket. Does my wife have to pay? I have spent ages looking through threads, but cannot find anything similar to this set of circumstances. Many thanks.

UKPC Parking Charge - daveyjp
Moneysavingexpert site has lots of advice. If the company can't prove the charge is a Genuine pre Estimate of Loss it is unenforceable. Evidence to date suggests no private parking company can show genuine pre estimate of loss and are losing cases at appeal on a regular basis.

UKPC Parking Charge - Andrew-T

I can understand why this feels unfair, but if you both knew the car-park 'rules' you can only appeal for leniency on the basis of absent-mindedness or something. Three hours free is pretty generous these days. After all, how is anyone to know how long your car had been parked, without a ticket - or without examining the CCTV record?

UKPC Parking Charge - RT

After all, how is anyone to know how long your car had been parked, without a ticket - or without examining the CCTV record?

Motorway Service Areas manage without requiring a ticket until it becomes chargeable (2 hours in their case) so why shouldn't any car park - it's not like MSAs get low volumes of traffic.

UKPC Parking Charge - Andrew-T

< Motorway Service Areas manage without requiring a ticket until it becomes chargeable (2 hours in their case) so why shouldn't any car park - it's not like MSAs get low volumes of traffic. >

OK, but the system still needs to know when you parked, or in the case of a ticketed car-park, by when you should leave? Or they use ANPR on entry? Or an argument starts.

UKPC Parking Charge - RT

< Motorway Service Areas manage without requiring a ticket until it becomes chargeable (2 hours in their case) so why shouldn't any car park - it's not like MSAs get low volumes of traffic. >

OK, but the system still needs to know when you parked, or in the case of a ticketed car-park, by when you should leave? Or they use ANPR on entry? Or an argument starts.

MSAs use ANPR.

UKPC Parking Charge - FP

"The "charge" seems out of all proportion to the failure on her part simply to display a ticket. Does my wife have to pay? I have spent ages looking through threads, but cannot find anything similar to this set of circumstances. Many thanks."

This issue has in fact been well worked-over on this forum. Never mind. As has been said, the two issues are: is your wife at fault? and, is the Parking Charge a reasonable way of dealing with it if she is?

She is at fault in failing to follow prescribed procedure.

Most would feel it was a fairly insignificant failure, in view of the circumstances, but in different circumstances it could be more of a problem to other users of the car park and/or unfair to the owners of the car park and discussions about the morality of it all would continue until doomsday.

£100 or even £60, as has been pointed out elsewhere, represents not a reasonable attempt to recoup losses to the Parking Company (which would in fact be pretty small and certainly difficult to quantify and prove in a court of law), but an attempt either to punish and deter (which is illegal), or simply to make money.

Some have argued (I believe HJ is one) that an offer of, say, £10 should be made as a gesture of re-imbursement and apology. In practice Parking Companies will not accept this - they never negotiate over the amount.

Another argument is that the whole issue of Parking Companies' way of going about things is wrong - they are monsters who should not be humoured.

Take your pick - pay your £100 or £60, try an offer of £10 which is a waste of time but which may give you moral satisfaction, or ignore the Parking Charge and every single piece of communication from them unless it escalates into a court letter. And if (a big if) you go to court, be prepared to argue about unreasonable demands for money and unclear signage.

As always in these matters, www.pepipoo.com is your friend. Go there and you will find masses of cases similar to yours.

What would I do?

Ignore. That's what I did last time and I heard nothing more.

UKPC Parking Charge - daveyjp
The advice now is not to ignore. There is a formal procedure for appealing and there is enough evidence on MSE to show as soon as you ask for evidence of genuine pre estimate of loss it is never provided so the ticket has to be cancelled.

The whole system is a complete scam, but like any parasite which gets greedy it will kill itself, but it may take a few years before the companies are completely extinguished.
UKPC Parking Charge - FP

"There is a formal procedure for appealing and there is enough evidence on MSE to show as soon as you ask for evidence of genuine pre estimate of loss it is never provided so the ticket has to be cancelled."

As far as I know, the only body to whom Parking Charge appeals may be made are POPLA, and the Parking Company has to be a member of BPA for them to entertain an appeal.

To save the OP trouble of looking, UKPC is a member of BPA.

I'd say, appeal to POPLA by all means if you feel inclined. I understand the Parking Company concerned foots the bill.

P.S. I would trust the advice on Pepipoo ahead of MSE any time, but that may be just my prejudice.

Edited by FP on 24/01/2014 at 17:17

UKPC Parking Charge - daveyjp
Ukpc are in BPA.
UKPC Parking Charge - Armitage Shanks {p}

What does MSE stand for please? If they are better then pepipoo I'd like to know!

UKPC Parking Charge - FP

MSE - Money Saving Expert aka Martin's Money Tips.


Check on the Forums.

Edited by FP on 24/01/2014 at 23:11

UKPC Parking Charge - Armitage Shanks {p}

Thanks - I see that - now.

UKPC Parking Charge - daveyjp
MSE has a thread of someone who has just been successful against UKPC. Charge isn't a genuine pre estimate of loss.