Prices have dropped already - 134.7 for diesel at Asda near me.
Supermarket pricing policies are strange - Asda is fairly consistent over all the UK, but not absolutely blanket pricing - Sainsbury's compete with Asda - Tesco only compete if there's an Asda or Sainsbury's close - Morrisons has given up competing, locally 2p more than the Asda and Sainsbury nearby and out in the sticks they can be more than the non-chain local garages!
Sainsbury also seem only to compete if Asda is in same area. Diesel at Sainbury Fosse Park Leicester, where Asda is nearby, is consistemtly 3p/litre cheaper than Sainsbury Weedon Road Northampton which curently has only a small Asda with no fuel station.
Filled up Tuesday/Yesterday at Auchan and Carrefour round Calais at E1.299 (equal to £1.10 at currrent exchange rate).