My wife received a parking charge notice for parking in a free car park owned by a council. The fine is £85 from Brittania Parking.
The parking charge was for not displaying a valid ticket, she didn't realise that although parking is free she had to obtain a ticket. The parking fine states it is for parking for one minute without a valid ticket. She had been in the space for a couple of minutes while visiting the bank with a family member she had collected from a care home to visit the bank.
Is it normal for a council to use a private parking company to run their car park? Also the council are claiming it is a private car park because it is owned by them, surely that makes it a public car park and not private?
Is it worth appealing to the parking company as a fine of £85 seems excessive for parking in a free parking space, just because she didn't obtain a free ticket.
I contacted the council involved and they sent me this -
Further to your enquiry and the points raised.
The market place is private land. Wisbech Town Council, owner of the market place, has a management agreement with Britannia Parking to manage the car parking and to issue parking charge notices to vehicles which do not comply with the on site signage (to display a ticket for free, parking within the parking area).
The parking was introduced following a consultation with the public where it was 50:50 with calls for full traffic access and full pedestrianisation. The council has tried to accommodate all needs by introducing controlled parking. Previously issues had been indiscriminate parking in a no parking zone with little enforcement.
Wisbech Town Council has an agreement with Britannia Parking in order to enforce the parking allowed. This was seen as best value to Wisbech rather than employing enforcement staff as Britannia Parking have a similar arrangement with the Horsefair car park to enforce parking.
Britannia Parking have similar contracts with other local authorities.
I cannot comment on the fine. However, it is not for parking where free parking is allowed, it is for control of that parking.
Yours sincerely,