B1 is not tricycles now!
B1 is now vehicles with 4 wheels up to 400kg unladen or 550kg if intended to carry goods. Tricycles are now motorbikes... and to drive my Morgan Super Sports Aer,o (car bodied, with a steering wheel) you need a full bike licence and can't take a test in it unless you are disabled.
OP is ok though, car test passers pre19 Jan this year are grandfathered and a replacement licence will show group A - limited to tricycles.
Europe has been meddling, 3rd Driving licence directive was the guilty legislation, although the UK will implement a derogation shortly allowing group B test passers to drive trikes provided they are over 21 (the absolute earliest you can do the full bike licence by).
Beware though, at least one official document I found on line this morning pre dates the changes, so is now wrong.
Edited by SlidingPillar on 04/11/2013 at 10:49