My brand new company Austin Allegro almost lost its sump plug outside Montrose in Scotland. Held on by one thread, I tightened it by hand and drove gingerly to the nearest garage who tightened it and added 3 litres of oil...
The magneto in my 1929 Riley overheated over 40mph and lost all spark. Fortunatleuy there was a spare one in the boot. Replaced it and retimed it with just an adjustable spanner (!).
Brake fade in cars with drum brakes was always "fun". My 1946 Rover 16 went down long fast Scottish hills with a distinctive smell of burning brake linings and a brake pedal pushed hard to the floor. The handbarke worked!
Nailfiles were ideal for truing up ignition points..My mother got very annoyed as I kept using hers..
Axle tramp when hitting potholes was a feature of front beam axles - once endured never forgotten.. The feeling of the steering column vibrating and no steering control was brown pants stuff.
Redex was cxlaimed to be a way of improving piston ring sealing. Put a small amount down each spark plus and leave 24 hours. When you started the car up, - eventually - it drove away normally. But when teh exhaust warmed up, all the Redex ekected into teh exhaust system emitted clouds of grey/white smoke which hung over the road to a height of 5 meters for half a mile.
Baked bean cans were ideal for filling rust holes in the floor..and boidged with Plastic Padding, underseal and a covering of mud for the MOT...
Edited by madf on 28/10/2013 at 18:49