Well, here's a different way of thinking of it. First of all, sorry to hear of your life difficulties. Now you say you've been left up the creek financially, well the last thing you want to do is buy a new car on finance. That's a sure-fire way to keep yourself up to your neck in debt! Let's say your Panda is a few years old and reasonably ok? The Panda is a fine car, we've had two and not a moments bother with either. It's cheap to run and fun to drive. But its big advantage is you own it! NOw if you keep it say another 3 years ( the time of an average lease on a new car) let's say it loses another £1k or £2K over that time - a guess) Let's say you sign up to a finance deal costing you -maybe £150 to £200 a month . 36 monthly payments you're looking at £5400 to £7200 in payments - and you probably still won't own the car. And you'll still be broke!!!
Now let's say uyou keep the Panda instead and invest that £200 a month into say an index fund, you'll probably see it grow to about £7600 ( assuming a modest 4% return) At thend you'll still own the Panda, which is now worth less obviously, but you'll have over £7000 in the bank!
OK, there might be some unexpected car expenses along the way, but they'll only be a fraction of the cost of signing up to a lease!
So keep the Panda, have it valeted, personalise it for yourself, drive it for 3 years thanking your ex for saving you money!