Hi All
Last night I have been unlucky to have 'bumped' into a new BMW car in a tunnel. Basically all the vehicles had to stop due to traffic and I was unfortunate to have made a sudden stop which led to my car 'touching' the front car. There is a scratch on his bumper (my front bumper touched his car's back bumper, which gave it a primer scratch) . Since mine is a rental car (which is even brand new), I gave him my contact details so that we could sort the damage out in which ever cheaper way. I got a call from him today saying that he is awaiting a quote from the garage regarding the scratch. I believe it is better to pay it form your pocket rather than let him claim from the insurance or I am not sure how rental cars work in this matter)
I was wondering how much will the damages be. I've read that they will charge like 300+ for such repairs which is way too much for my budget. Please advice if you have any ideas.