The cathode ray tube you show was for an oscillascope, not a TV, and the article is dated 1955.
Whilst some early TVs used that electrostatic type tube, it was superceded by ones that used electro-magetic deflection type, many years ago, and a line-flyback transformer was used in the side to side scanning and also magentic for vertical deflection.
The SU2150A valve base was designed before the last world war ! ! and is now a museum piece rather than a modern valve ! Much bigger than normally used. Indeed it became a semi-conductor one -- even smaller.
I get the impression you are living in some bygone age.
The anologue TV set, using a CRT, that has just gone obsolete, derived its' tube high voltage from a winding on the line timebase transformer. It will give you a very unpleasant shock, but is not usually lethal, unless you have a weak heart. I have caught my hand on it a few times. Also you would be looking at a much higher voltage, than 5KV.