Did you give the dealer an insurance certificate in your name to tax it with? If not, they taxed it on their insurance which is why they put their name on it. He hasn't put the car in his name - the green slip cannot and does not change the ownership.
You are wrong as to what the green slip is for. It is to hold onto to tax it and retain until the new V5 comes through. It is never sent to the DVLA in normal circumstances and the car will not be in his name.
If you agreed to pay the tax pay it and he should then send off the front page of the V5 which presumably he still has and WILL change the ownership.
If he doesn't, you can download and fill in a V62 form and send it with a cheque for £25 to the DVLA which will put it you name. However, it is better the seller does the above as it is quicker (a V62 takes about 6 weeks to process). You DO NOT need the green slip for this.
Don't get hung up about the green slip and his details - it is just a way around him using his insurance at a Post Office and is meaningless in terms of changing the registered keeper.
The V5 does not prove ownership anyway. You still own the car, it is just the keeper you need to sort out.
Edited by pd on 16/09/2013 at 23:23