Hi, need some advice
Cousin drove my car without my consent. (stopped at a take away and I went in and she drove away.. not impressed)... 10days later had a NIP turns up in the post that shes been flashed by the speed camera doing 35 on 30(gave her a mouthful).
I have given her UK address on the NIP and sent that back and she recieved an NIP and she agreed that it was her and sent that back as well. She has a non - GB licence. She is going back to her home country for good in couple of weeks. So no speed awareness course and had to pay the fixed penalty with the ghost licence opened in her name in UK. At the moment, We are awaiting for her speed awarness course offer
Till now it is cristal clear
1. Does this speed awarness course offer will have a FPN in it for us to just pay it.
if it doesn't
2. How long do we need to wait for Conditional offer for FNP after the speed awarness course offer declining letter sent back?
3. When we go to the police station how likely they will check the insurance on it?
and if they checked and found out that she doesn't how much fine would it be? does she need to go to court for that bit or can that be settled in the police station (just trying to get a picture of timescales because she is moving aboard for good and I don't want this to come back to me)